I love you

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No ones POV
Everything went silent. All you could see was a cloud of smoke the blonde and the bubble could not be seen. Everyone stood with eyes wide open waiting for the smoke to clear. After a couple of minutes which felt like hours the thick cloud of smoke became clear and you could finally see Kacchan bearly standing and bloody. The bubble was no where to be seen. Like waking up from a daze you watch as he frantically tried to find the green hair boy. You watch as the blonde falls to his knees grabbing the body laying there. You hear crying. "Deku .....please ...wake up." No one moved it was like no one knew what to do anymore. After about five seconds passed everyone finally woke up like a fire was lit underneath them. They arrested The Bubbler taking him back to jail and the paramedics are rushing towards the boys trying to get Kacchan to let go of him. All might had to step in to convince Kacchan to let go. Kacchan was taken a couple feet away. He sat there watching while being taken care of himself. But all you could see was the paramedics frantically working and loading him up. Deku life hanged in the balance.

Kacchans pov
Did I get to him in time? Is he ok? Did I save him? What kinda of person am I if I can't save the one I love. I'm pathetic!. As the thoughts flooded to my head I hear All might. "You did the best you could..... You did more than anyone else could." I looked at him and at that point not even my big ego could stop the tears from rolling down my face. At that point there was another person standing in front of me. Shitty hair..... "Come on Baku bro you need to go the hospital... He needs you." All-might looks at me " He needs you and you also need to be checked out you did a number on your hands. They need to be cleaned I will come get you if anything happens with him. You can come up once they are done with you." Him, Aizawa, kirishimia, and All-might head to the hospital. Not a word was said.

Dekus POV
My eyes are so heavy why is there a bright light. Is someone trying to talk to me I see a very blurred shadow. K..k...kacchan..,... I can hear voices I can't really make out the things they are say just things here and there. I want Kacchan with me I'm scared....

Kacchans pov
I'm coming Deku just hang on. I didn't know what else to do I couldn't help him or anything. Was I to late?! I can't lose him please this feeling I'm getting I hate it. I'm......scared. I'm scared I'm going to lose him I'm in love with the stupid nerd he can't leave me not like this not know. I was such an ass to him. Why couldn't I just tell him how I felt.? Just Deku please wait for me....

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