The bubble part 3

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Dekus pov
His hand is rubbing me all over. While his fingers are entering my ass. It's sooo good but I want more. *begging* "Please kacchan more!" Ahhh more more more." I can feel his dick rubbing me want me. "Fuck deku!" He pull down my entire suit leaving me with nothing but my boxers. He pushes me down. Grabbing my head pushing his dick inside my mouth. Until all that's left it saliva. He brings me back up positioning me.I feel his dick rubbing the outside of my entrance as he hold me down on his chest while the other hand plays with his cock and my ass. I whimper wanting more. He slowly pushes his cock inside me I can feel it getting deeper as I'm shaping myself to him. "Fuck so good.." as my eyes tear up. Once he's all the way in he stops. " tell me when your ready." He's so deep it's so good I could go crazy!!  "Please move Kacchan. He  slowly moves I can feel his dick moving up and down inside of me. Feeling every fucking inch of him inside my tight ass was sending me into sheer pleasure but I want so much more. Just destroy me. "I sit up and start moving pounding my hips up and down on his cock. "Fuck Deku are you trying to make me go crazy." Ah..ah. Ahh.." Kacchan please more mess me up I like it rough."
Kacchan pov
Fuck this shit you want it rough fine. I grab his hips  and sit up getting a better angle. Putting my lips against his ear. "You asked for this deku" I bit into his shoulder hearing a gasp escape his lips as I start pumping into him. "K..k..KAC..CH..AN." My hips are moving on there on at this point. My whole body is as my teeth sink into his chest and neck leaving bit marks everywhere than coming over sucking the blood leaving love marks on top of the bit marks and everywhere else. He try's to cover his mouth as the moans get louder. "No I want to hear you scream my name as I'm pleasing you be as loud as you want. Who cares who can hear." I grab his hands putting them behind his back. Fuck I wish I could ram you from behind but this will have to do. He try's moving away from the pleasure but I push him down pushing him even deeper as my strokes become slower but deeper. "F....fFu..k!!!"grabbing his throat with my last free hand.  "Quit running away from the pleasure I give you and take it." He ass grips my dick tighter. I pump two more times before coming in his ass. "Shit that was amazing Deku."
I feel as deku weakly try's to move.
Shit I over did it. I slowly pull my dick out putting his clothing back on and pulling pants up. Where I pull him close to my chest while I fall asleep. *kissing his forehead* falling into a deep sleep.

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