DiamondSoul Growls: Future Alpha

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DiamondSoul's belly had expanded over the past moons, making it difficult to perform her everyday tasks. Instead, FireLight had taken over her duties. She was about to have her pups. She whined as she felt the tiny puppies kick her insides.

"How have you been doing," DeerStar asked as she came forward.

"I don't know. I think today is the day."
"Oh dear. We had better move you to the Howling Cliff now."

As Beta, giving birth to pups meant introducing the new Alpha to the pack. The Lights had to come forward to take care of the rest. With great difficulty, DiamondSoul moved with FrostPond, DawnFlight, DustRose, and AuraSnow. She needed guards in case they were attacked. They had to persuade the Alpha to stay at camp while they left and eventually FireLight sat down. The wolves laid DiamondSoul on the warm smooth rock where the sun shone down on her. In the heat, DiamondSoul suddenly felt a strange feeling.

"I think-" she broke off as a searing pain ran in her stomach. She howled in misery as the she-wolves helped her. DustRose grabbed her a stick to bite, for the pain.

"It's going to hurt, Diamondsoul," DawnFlight warned," But I need you to help me here." DawnFlight had helped all the she-wolves bear their pups.

"Now I need you to push the pup out, nice and slow, nice and slow." DiamondSoul heaved as the same sharp pain ran down her side. The wood in her mouth snapped as she grit her teeth.

"Come on DiamondSoul, try harder," DawnFlight pushed on her sides gently as DiamondSoul did as she asked. DustRose kept handing her sticks to break and it did lots of good. After howls of misery and whines of pain, her first pup came out.

"Here AuraSnow. Lick it," DawnFlight instructed as she focused on DiamondSoul's quivering body.

"One more sweet dear." After more heaving and more broken sticks, her last pup was born. Diamondsoul licked them fiercely as the nestled around her stomach.

"A timber wolf and a tundra wolf," DawnFlight cooed as she watched the two tiny pups squirm looking for milk.

"Two boys. What are their names?"FrostPond asked.

"I think Pine and... Night," she said licking the tundra wolf.

"A white Night," FrostPond commented. The she-wolves laughed with DiamondSoul.

"FireLight will be glad."

"He sure will," DiamondSoul couldn't wait to show her Alpha what she had for him, "When can I go back?"

"Certainly not now," DawnFlight said, collecting some soaked moss from DustRose, "Here have a drink." DiamondSoul did as she was told and let the sun wash over her. After what seemed like moons, they started to get ready to leave.

"The bright sun is a good sign that the Lights have accepted," DawnFlight said.

"DiamondSoul?" FrostPond questioned her Beta," I hope this doesn't bother you too much but since there are two males who will succeed FireLight?"

DiamondSoul hadn't thought of that though she knew the answer.

"FireLight will watch them and overtime he will choose who is to be Alpha of his pack."

'When they got there, DiamondSoul dropped in the small den for her and her two pups. They were more active now. FireLight's furry face popped.

"Diamondsoul," he barked with joy nuzzling her affectionately," and my puppies..."

"Pine and Night," she answered.

"Pine and Night, Pine and-" once he stretched his neck to lick Night, his eyes darkened.

"What's wrong?" DiamondSoul asked.

"They're both males," he said and backed away.

DiamondSoul bared her teeth,"So?"

"What do you mean so? You know what happened between OakMyth and BearTooth!"
"None of these pups will become aggressive murderers to each other!"

OakMyth, FireLight's father, and BearTooth had been brothers. OakMyth, as Oak, had been appointed next Alpha so Beartooth had tried to kill OakMyth for the position of Alpha. He was unsuccessful and banned from the pack. No one has seen his whereabouts since.

I'm just taking precautions,"FireLight snapped.

"You know, I thought you would be a bit happy that I bore your pups!"

"Keep them separate. I don't want them to know they're brothers," he growled.

"Why?" DiamondSoul didn't want to keep two brothers apart.

"Because I said so!"Alpha turned to leave.

"You can't keep two brothers apart! Who will you choose?"

FireLight lashed around snapping aggressively. DiamondSoul whimpered drawing her pups closer to her.

"I am Alpha and you will do as you're told!" he snarled.

Seeing DiamondSoul's frightened expression, he softened,"Look, I love both you and the pups. I'm just doing what's best for you. I hate to see you sad but i-it's just because I'm worried. I'll probably choose this one." He pointed to the black pup with his tail," Ask FrostPond if she can take over. For now, you should feed him until he starts eating fresh kill." DiamondSoul refused to answer and rolled to the other side with Pine and Night. How could he keep litter mates apart? Pine was also her pup. How could she live without her own pup. No matter how much DiamondSoul hated it, FireLight was right. He was Alpha and whatever he says goes.

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