LeafBreeze Remembers: We are Family

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LeafBreeze walked home full of sadness, but she hid it very well. She could tell others were in grieving, but could they tell she was? She knew who could tell, she knew who could tell every emotion that she felt, DeerStar. While thinking all of this, she walked bravely, strongly, and without tears.

"DiamondSoul," she swiftly caught up to the Beta, "Are you okay?"

"I will be okay, I just need some time," DiamondSoul let many tears drip down, and she walked closer to FireLight. LeafBreeze went back to walking by herself. Back at camp, everyone huddled close together. Many wept as they fell asleep, some just stared blankly, and LeafBreeze just closed her eyes, and dreamed of the Lighted once again.

The next sun-rise, LeafBreeze walk around camp trying to get warm, when GlassWish started walking with her.

"Are you alright?" GlassWish asked.

"What do you mean?" LeafBreeze didn't know what else to say.

"Well PebbleHeart told me of how DeerStar was your mentor, and she took care of you," GlassWish walked closer by LeafBreeze.

"W-Well I am a bit sad..."she trailed off, "And she didn't just take care of me."

"What do you mean?" GlassWish questioned.

"Never mind," LeafBreeze said as she ran off towards the creek.

The creek was still frozen, if a wolf wanted to drink from it they had to smash some of the ice.

LeafBreeze took a long deep breath. She could see the white fog, that her breath had made. She hit the ice so she could drink, and clear her head. The water was refreshing, even though she was cold. LeafBreeze laid down, and began to remember her time with DeerStar.

"Come on Leaf," DeerStar said. Leaf rushed up to meet with DeerStar. It was her first day of hunting with DeerStar.

"I'm here mo- I mean DeerStar," Leaf knew that DeerStar wasn't her mother, but it was hard for her to change from mom to DeerStar.

"Now when we are stalking an animal, you must keep low to the ground, watch for your surroundings, and stay ready to pounce," DeerStar was showing as she talked. She crouched low to the ground, and showed Leaf how to walk like that.

"Like this?" she asked.

"Perfect," DeerStar said. They had many lessons together, and they both enjoyed it. Not only did DeerStar show her how to hunt, but she showed her how to read other wolves.

"MossCliff over there," DeerStar said one day, "You can tell he is upset about something, because of the fierceness in his eyes."

"Yes," Leaf said, "But most could see that."

"Ah yes," DeerStar acknowledged, "But most can't see that behind that anger, he is sad about something."

"What?" she inquired.

DeerStar beamed, "That is what we find out. Do you know why I am teaching you this?"

"No," said the confused Leaf.

"Because I want you to be able to help other wolves like I do. When I die," she continued, "Because I believe you have the chance to bring peace to many wolves in your lifetime, in ways that I could never."

LeafBreeze let a tear fall as she remembered this, and then her mind went to the fight they had.

"Why must you always control me!" LeafBreeze yelled.

"I'm trying to protect you!" DeerStar yelled back.

"You never tell me about my mother, well I want to know!"

"Do you really want to know about your mother?" DeerStar paused for a minute, "She was exiled!" LeafBreeze almost stopped breathing.

"No let me fix that, she chose to be exiled."

LeafBreeze spoke quietly, "She chose to leave me."

"Yes!" DeerStar said crying, "So you're not her daughter, you're mine."

LeafBreeze felt broken, "I'm neither," she whispered.

After that fight, LeafBreeze and DeerStar didn't talk much. They would hunt together, but that was it.

"LeafBreeze, are you okay," she turned to see the Beta DiamondSoul.

"No," LeafBreeze said, "DeerStar is gone, and I wasn't ready for her to go."

"Nobody was," DiamondSoul said as she sat by LeafBreeze.

"I am always able to help others through mourning, yet I can't help myself through this."

"Then maybe you should talk to someone who can."

LeafBreeze looked at the Beta wondering who she was talking about. "Who?"

"DeerStar," LeafBreeze immediately leap up. And began to run towards the Howling Cliff. The sun was going down so she should get there just in time. Once she made it to the cliff, she laid down at the edge.

DeerStar. She thought. Please DeerStar I need to talk to you. A light came down in front of her.

"Hello LeafBreeze," it was DeerStar.

"DeerStar I'm so sorry," she cried, "I love you."

"I know, I know you didn't mean those words," DeerStar placed her head against LeafBreeze's, "Because you are my daughter. You are my family"

"And you are my mother, and my family" LeafBreeze said with tears falling down her face.

LeafBreeze smiled and gave her mother an affectionate lick, and then DeerStar turned to light and lifted back into the stars.

"Thank you mother," she whispered. LeafBreeze dried her tears, and howled. It was not a howl of sadness though, it was a howl of joy.

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