Chapter 6

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"Ok well we are going to skip Be My Guest and Set it Off since everyone was there. Now we are going to watch clips and songs about the future." Rachel said then disappeared.

Female #1:Hi, Jay.
Female #2:Jay.
Jay:Hey, what's up?
Female #3:Hi.
Carlos:Why do you torture them? Just pick someone to take to Cotillion already.
Jay:I'm going solo. That way, I can dance with all of them.
Carlos:Ah! You're the expert. Um, Jay... if you were gonna ask someone, what's the best way to go?
Jay:Listen, all you got to do... is look like me.
Carlos:Oh, ha-ha.
Carlos:Hey, Jane.
Carlos:I was wondering...uh... if you liked the.... carrot cake last night.
Jane:I had the pumpkin pie.
Carlos:Oh, cool. Um, uh--
Evie:I have an opening for a fitting at 3:00. Who wants it?
Lonnie:Me! Sorry.
Evie:Perfect. I'll take you later.
Jane:I hate to keep bugging you, but the decorating committee needs more answers. So, as much as I hate to, um... you know, um...
Y/N:Bug me?
Y/N:Yeah, Jane, I would love to. I just have to get to class.
Jane:You know, just nod if you like it.
Jane:Chair swags. Entry banner. Twinkle lights. Napkin design. Table bunting. And you still haven't picked the party favors yet.
Y/N:Honestly, Jane, whatever you think--
Jane:I mean, we can do chains, key charms, pen toppers. I kind of love the pen toppers, but, I mean, we can do all three.
Y/N:[Y/N's eyes flash f/c] I say pen toppers.
Jane:You won't regret it.
Lonnie:I can hardly wait to see what your wedding will look like!
Y/N:Me, too. Wait! What?!
Jane:The Royal Cotillion is like getting engaged to be engaged to be engaged.
Evie and Mal:I knew it!
Lonnie:Well, everyone knows it.
Y/N:I didn't know it! How come nobody told me that? Is my entire life just planned out in front of me--
Ben:Hi, Y/N.
Lonnie, Jane, Mal, and Evie:Hi, Ben.
Jane:Oh, oh. Quick moment.
Jane:All right, they're almost finished with the surprise for Y/N's big night. Snow White, Belle. But the one you designed for Y/N is my favorite.
Ben:Make sure her eyes are f/c. [to Y/N] Uh... see you later.
Jane:Which f/c should they use?
Ben:Uh... This one.

"That. That wasn't so bad if a future. I mean... right?" Carlos said. Everyone murmured.

Chad Charming: What about peacock feathers? Yeah, I bet you nobody's gonna have those at Cotillion.
Evie:Chad, when I look at you, all I can think of is... "king."
Evie:And fake fur... Uh-huh. ...fake fur says it all.
Doug:Loud and clear.
Jay:[enters] Amphitheater in five!
Chad:Why did the coach make him captain instead of me? I'm obviously better. "King Chad," though. I do rather like that. You know who else would like that?
Evie:She would.
Jay:Chad, let's go.
Chad:I'm coming. Yeah. Oh.
Evie and Doug:Not a lot of there there.
Evie:Someone's obviously having some trouble dealing with his break-up with Audrey.
Doug:Yes. I've been doing the numbers.
Doug:And after we collect from all the girls for their gowns and Chad's cape...
Evie:Wow! No wonder people work. What am I gonna do with all this money?
Doug:I think in the next few years, you could buy that castle you always wanted. That way, you wouldn't need a prince.
Evie:You're right, I don't. Because I have you.

All the girls awed

Auradon Prep: Lockers
Ben:Hi, Y/N.
Ben:I have a little surprise for you.
Y/N:Again? Wow. That's like every day now.
Ben:Or every other day. The even dates. Because you're... even more perfect than I thought.
Y/N:That is me. I am perfect.
Ben:Come on, let me spoil you. You didn't have a lot growing up.
Y/N:We managed.
Ben:Hey, didn't you donate that to the museum?
Y/N:Is that still in there? Um, I got to get to class. I really don't want to be late.
Ben:No. You come this way. First off... Ta-da!
Ben:You like it?
Y/N:Ben... does an ogre like cheese puffs? This is amazing! It's f/c. I didn't get you anything.
Ben:You're taking me on a picnic with all my favorite foods, remember?
Y/N:No, that's Thursday.
Ben:It is Thursday.
Y/N:No, it's not.
Ben:Yes, it is.
Y/N:No, it's not.
Ben:It is.
Y/N:I knew that.
Ben:I mean, if you don't have it, that's fine.
Y/N:No, no, no. I was fully messing with you. I knew it was Thursday. I just have one more thing to go bake, and then I am all yours.
Ben:Well, what about class?
Y/N:She multi tasks.
Ben:She dabbles.
Y/N:She dabbles.
Ben:You're the best!
Y/N:That's me!

Everyone looked at Y/N and Ben

Carlo's and Jay' dorm
"How to get out of the friend zone."

All the kids laughed

Reporter:They dined with Aladdin and Jasmine.
Carlos:I see you reading over my shoulder.
TV:Six months ago, no one thought... the wrong side of the bridge would last. Y/N must be counting the days until the Royal Cotillion, when she will officially become a Lady of the Court.
Carlos:Whoa. Easy, girl.
Mal:What? You think this is so easy for me and Y/N?! You don't have people taking a photo of you every single time you open your mouth to say boo! I mean, it's not that I could even say, "Boo," but, you know what I--
Carlos:I'm sorry.
Mal:Carlos, don't you ever miss screaming at people and just making them run away from you?
Carlos:You're thinking of my mother, and I was usually on the other end of that. So, not really. No. Oh, hey! Did you bring it?
Chad:Hi. Just came to use your 3D printer. Won't be a sec.
Carlos:How'd you get a key to my room?
Chad:Oh, I printed it off last time I was in here. Uh... you guys were sleeping. Look, I just-- Your printer's so much better than mine, and you install these hacks and everything runs so much smoother than mine and--

"Creepy" people muttered

Carlos:Out! Now.
Chad:Fine. Fine.
Chad:What? Hmm?
Carlos:Leave the key. Mal?
Carlos:My potion?
Mal:Hmm. Yeah. Um...
Carlos:So, this thing will make me say what I really feel to Jane?
Mal:Yeah. I mean, this is a truth gummy, so take it or leave it.
Mal:Hold on, though. Are you sure that you want to be taking this? Because this is gonna make you say the truth all the time, no matter what, and the only reason that I'm asking is because I know that if I took this right now, I would get myself sent back to the Isle. Which, it's not that that sounds super unappealing, but, you know...
Carlos:Yeah. I'll take my chances, I guess.
Mal:Okay. Ohh!
Dude eats the gummy
Bad dog!
Dude the Dog:Man, that thing was nasty! And you-- you just got to man up. And while you're at it, scratch my butt.
Mal:You heard him. Scratch his butt.
Carlos:Mal. You're just gonna leave me with him?
Dude:Come on. You scratch your own all the time.

Carlos turned red at that last part.

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