Thick & Thin

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I feel like my life is falling apart lately
My mind swirling with rules

How to eat
When not to eat
You look ugly
Numbers on the scale look the same dontcha think?
Lose more
It's a never ending cycle and it's so hard to control nowadays, with constant reminders from television to magazines.
Society is so fucked that it's bringing the ugly in me
I don't want to think that way, but if that's what I'll get me into a relationship then it's a risk I'll have to take.

Is it sick?
To have satisfaction of feeling hungry?
The way your stomach contorts and and a wave of emptiness swallows you whole.
I've lost control
I can't help what I can't stop.
My eyes
My lips
Are tired and cracked
I can no longer be able to feel the warmth of blankets that are draped over my shivering frail body.
I need help but I don't know to ask
If I ask it will make me feel weak, like showing your weakness when you cry to someone.
I can't go through hospitalization,
I know I could die, I've seen the statistics,
But the thoughts are with with me through thick and thin..
This is a true story with myself, I have been through eating disorders multiple times in my life, and I know it may be hard to get out of it. But it doesn't make you weak if you ask for help. It makes you stronger to know that you and many percentages out there are not alone. If you or anyone is going through an eating disorder, please contact help through the national website and number at~  (800)-931-2237
Website for the eating disorder hotline,

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