My First Hybrid Dinosaur Oc!

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Name: Target
Nickname: Gracia- for how graceful and silent she is when hunting
Age: 2½ Years Old(Young Adult)
Species: Diloraptor
Trainer: None(Role is Open)
Personality: She is very smart, she has some patience though only shows it when hunting, on the outside she may seem a bit agressive, pretty bossy and controlling though on the inside she is just a curious and "playful" Dino
Looks: She has the same body shape as a Raptor and a slightly smaller head than a Dilo, her crests are a dark green with a very faded red at the base, she is a brownish grey with a green over coating and with darker almost brownish looking red stripes, she also has Amber eyes and a slitted pupils like most raptors, she also even has a toe claw like raptors do and acts similarly to the Jp3 Raptors though only if they had been shown in a better light as they only wanted their eggs back, she also has a redish frill when fanned out as it's patterns are like that of a coral snake though with a dark greenish outline to hide it when her frill is down, as you can never see it when it's down and would only know to back away when her frill is up
Pack Members: Open Roles- Alpha Female(1/1), Alpha Male,(0/1), Beta(0/1), Delta(0/1), Hunter(0/4), Scouts(0/3) (Anyone who wants to join, just ask, also the entire pack takes care of eggs)
Pack Role: Alpha Female
Height: 10ft tall, 23ft long
Backstory: she was made by Henry Wu and trained by him when she was just a Hatchling, she knows a few basic commands though that's all as she began to grow distant from Wu the more tests he ran on her and was soon released into a private enclosure not yet open to the public, though she had broken free and roamed the island for a while before having been captured and taken to Lockwood Mansion to be sold, though she was very dangerous as you couldn't even look at her without getting a warning, she had been released with the other dinosaurs and now lives wandering around the mainland
What she is made of: Her main DNA is Dilophosaurus and her secondary is Velociraptor(In Jp/Jw) (Utahraptor irl), coral snake DNA for her long tail and deadly poison as well as her frill patterns, Frilled Lizard for her to have a frill in the first place, her intelligence comes from both raptor DNA and Human DNA, she has some Indoraptor DNA in her as well though not a lot it was just to try and see how she would be, and that's what gave her the aggressiveness towards some other dinosaurs
Other: she was a prototype for the Indoraptor's design and species after the Indominus Rex has proven to be both a success and a failure

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