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I couldn't take my eyes off of the rain hitting against the window. The way each drop clung for its life on the glass held an odd, but special beauty in it. No one raindrop the same, I watched as some dripped down in intricate pathways while others-

"Hey," I felt a pen tap my shoulder. I rolled my eyes, annoyed that my attention was taken elsewhere. "Did you get the last slide of notes? She moves so damn fast I can't keep up."

I looked down at my empty notebook. Shit. I need to stop getting distracted or I'm seriously gonna fail this class.

I turned halfway in my seat to the boy behind me, not enough to get a good look at his face. "Sorry. Guess I wasn't really paying attention this time."

I heard him let out a small, quiet laugh. "Ya know, I don't think you ever do."

Before I could rip this kid's head off for not minding his own business, the teacher spoke up. "Alright, that's it for today. Make sure you have your midterm summary of everything we've covered so far done by next week. If you've been keeping up with your notes in class, you shouldn't have any problems."

Well, that's just great.

I threw my empty notebook into my bag and left the room, taking one last look at the rain covering all the windows.

As I made my way down the stairs, I felt another quick tap on my shoulder, followed by the same voice I heard just a few minutes ago interrupt my daydreaming.

"I know you never take notes in class. I was just kidding around earlier, thinking back I might've sounded like kind of a dick."

The boy was now walking next to me as I made my way out of the building. I looked up and was not expecting to see Grayson Dolan talking to me. Hell, I didn't even know he sat behind me.

Grayson was well known around the college campus for many things; He was the quarterback of the football team, part of the national honor society, and apparently has a huge brain and tutors other students.

Not to mention, he was absolutely breathtaking head to toe.

"If you know I never take notes, why did you ask me for them?" I ask when I reach my dorm building, leaning against the wall.

A smug smile appeared across his face as he looked down to the ground for a moment. "I don't know, it was dumb. What I meant to say was: Hi, I'm Grayson, and I noticed you don't take notes in class. I was wondering if you wanted some help on the midterm summary."

We locked eyes for a moment as I tried to find the right words to say. Did Grayson just ask if he could help me with my midterm?

As much as I knew I needed his help, I was slightly offended. "You don't think I could handle it?" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

His expression changed quickly, realizing he hit a wrong nerve. "No, I just mean, like, we could go over my notes and I could help-"

"Thanks, but no thanks." I adjusted my backpack on my shoulder and turned to begin walking into the building. I felt him gently grab my shoulder for the third time and I turn around quickly, as I was starting to get annoyed.

"You know you have a real problem with shoulder touching-" I stop as I look down and see the sticky note in his hand.

"My number," he said through a disappointed smile, "if you change your mind."

I hesitate for a moment. "Oh, what the hell," I say as I grab the sticky note and turn back to leave. I shout a "see you around," over my shoulder as I leave Grayson alone in front of the building.

Grayson Dolan. I didn't know much about him other than the many titles he's surely proud of, but I did know one thing: when he grabbed my shoulder, I felt something. And there was no way I was gonna let anyone else get close to me while I'm at this school. Not again.




hey gang!! been a while but maybe im back?? i stumbled across my old story (something new, check it out if you haven't!!) and it inspired me to write another. whats really crazy is that my last update on that story was this exact day, two years ago! im not sure how im feeling about this one right now, but i have some ideas about what direction i wanna take it in. 

pls vote and comment, let me know what you think! :)

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