Coma Meeting

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Arisu was stuck. She could not leave Konoha in the event that the Akatsuki attacked them as well but she couldn't site and do nothing!

"Haku. Go after Team Kakashi." She instructed, "Protect Naruto."

And so he did. Once he left Arisu got to work.

She slapped a hiraishin seal on her desk and formed an eternal shadow clone. This clone would be able to make new clones and disperse who would then make new clones and disperse every hour repeatedly. This kept her updated when she was absent and the Hiraishin insured accessibility.

Naruto had the Hiraishin mark planted on him.

And so to Naruto Arisu went.


She appeared in front of them and Itachi.

"Arisu?!" "Hokage-sama!"

"The moment the Kazekage was kidnapped this became a diplomatic matter." She reasoned, "I won't sit back idly as my ninja risk their lives to save someone who is also my friend."

She glared at Itachi and gave him a discreet slight nod.

Itachi briefly paused before sighing.

"Then I'll take care of you first."

And so they lunged.

"Team Kakashi! Go! I'll handle this traitor myself!" Arisu called as she formed several shadow clones, "have a little faith in your Hokage!"

"Right! We're counting on you!"

Once they left Arisu stared at Itachi.

"What tricks does this Weasel have for me?" She asked as she eyed him.

"More then you'd know." Replied Itachi as he dispersed into crows only to reappear behind Arisu. "You cannot escape me... my eyes are everywhere!"

"You're lucky I love tricks and a good audience." She snapped back, "Water style: Water Dragon jutsu!"

A great dragon of water flew straight at Itachi who dodged and broke the jutsu by kicking at Arisu.

"I have tricks of my own traitor!" Spat Arisu, "can you see through them?"

"Perhaps not. But I don't need to!" Itachi called as a fireball was aimed at the Hokage.

Arisu loved codes.

"My Second Cousin can use fire style better than you and she's and idiot! Why not let her school you?"

Itachi mentally chuckled at that one.

Both Arisu and Itachi sensed Haku catching up to her location.

"Enough. I will end this now along with your life!" Itachi said, "Tsukiyomi!"

And Arisu's world faded to black as she heard Haku's voice.

"It's been awhile Arisu," the Tsukiyomi-Itachi smiled, "how are you?"

"Tired." She said honestly, "I hate paperwork and paperwork."

Itachi chuckled, "I see. I'm glad you're doing well. Hokage suits you."

Arisu frowned, "it suits you more. If father could've bought a little more time then-!"

"I'd be Hokage and the Uchiha would be satisfied?" Finished Itachi, "no. Danzo would have never allowed it."

Arisu sighed.

"I see..... say how fast does time move here?"

"As fast as I want it." He replied.

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