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"We need to get allies."

"No, we need a plan first."

The two stared at each other incredulously. Though both were geniuses, their approaches to problems were very different.

"Okay..." Arisu conceded, "but allies would've made it easier for us to work a plan out, knowing our hand before playing the game...and for me not to directly interfere with..."

"No. Allies would've made it impossible for you not to interfere with the timeline." Itachi corrected as Arisu nodded. "Plus, we need to know the rules of the game before we get dealt our cards. Wait for it."

"Right..." she nodded slowly.

"So you're probably wondering when in this timeline you are." Itachi sighed, "to give you a little mental landmark I can say that...we've already attempted to kidnap the Kazekage and you and I..."

"Discussed the identify of our faux-Madara?"

Itachi nodded, "Hn."

"The Akatsuki is a rather large thorn isn't it?" She sighed as he once again nodded.

"It is."

"Usually, if I had a rather large problem I'd try tackling it but the Akatsuki...?" She shook her head. "It's like a jar of snakes."

Itachi chuckled at the analogy, "Hmph. That's one way to put it... also, I've recently received a scroll telling me of another Uchiha impersonating her."

Arisu gaped, "that's—-! Itachi I'm not—!"

"I know you aren't a fake... but your past counterpart thinks you are. It seems time travel has made you careless." Itachi scolded.

She shut her eyes.

Arisu sighed, "First things first..." she unrolled a scroll and unsealed a collection of items.

Two masks as smooth as porcelain, a sword as sharp as a fang, and two cloaks bland in colour and dim in design. Boring.

Itachi eyed her curiously.

"What are...?"

"We can't have you get caught with me and I can't be caught with you. Especially as a double of my past self." Arisu sighed tiredly, "wear these. Take the sword. I have mine..."

He picked up a mask, eyes struggling to read the kanji on the back.

She smiled, sure of her next decision.

"I, Arisu Senju-Uchiha appoint you as Kage." She boomed in her authoritative voice. Itachi's eyes widened.

"Hokage-sama I can't—!"

"You will." She cut him off, eyes softening. "Because I won't let you die alone...I'll get you out of the Akatsuki. I'll free you of your burdens...I'll take them myself if I have to."

Itachi was speechless.

"I think it's time we part ways for now." Arisu told the Uchiha. "I'll find you eventually..." she trailed off mysteriously.

She hiraishined away leaving a very emotional Itachi.

He shook slightly as her words sunk in. Eyes filled with unshed tears he sighed and nodded.

"I am the next Kage, I show no emotions, I reveal myself to no one and I protect from the shadows. I will lay down my life for Konoha and my family. I refuse to let them die and will protect them to my dying breath." He whispered, praising the day Arisu became Hokage.

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