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Kuroko waits for Akashi at the dinner table to tell him about the great news she had. She waited for hours and finally her beloved came back from work

"Sei! I have great n-" Akashi cuts her off

"I'm calling off the engagement" Akashi says in a harsh tone 'w-what...?' Kuroko thought to herself

"B-but... I.... All right..." Kuroko answers, hiding papers behind her back. She sighs, leaving the room in the brink of tears packing all of her items. Leaving only the presents that her loved one gave her including her engagement ring. However, there was one thing that she couldn't leave behind. And it's something she shouldn't leave behind... Suddenly Akashi opens the door 'did he change his mind!?' She thought to herself

"Leave now Kuriko is coming tomorrow to live here." He orders and I followed my orders leaving our house.

"What should I do now.... What do you think we should do?" She says staring at her paper her tears started dropping at the sight of it

"I wonder if you'll look anything like daddy..." She rubs her abdomen

"Tetsu?" She hears a familiar voice call out

"Ah.. Hello Aomine-Kun" She greets holding back her tears

"What's with the luggage going overseas?" He asked

"No... Sei-Chan.. no Akashi called off our engagement.." Kuroko gives a sad smile

"I know my place... I knew he would end it someday... but I... but I... never thought it be after the best gift he gives me!" Kuroko starts crying. Thinking back to what had just happened a few moments ago

"What do you mean Tetsu? Wait let's get you somewhere warmer and you can stay at my place until you find a home" Aomine carry's Kuroko bridal style to his home

-Kuroko's POV-

"Here" Aomine hands me a cup of warm tea

"Thank you..." I said as he sat down in front of me

"The best I was talking about..." I pulled out the test

"I went for a blood pregnancy test" He looks at the results

"Oh that idiotic,Stuck-up,no good piece of shit. Leaving his Fiancee like that" He starts getting irritated

"I shouldn't have rejected your confession..." I sighed regretting my foolish decision

"If you want to start now I can pretend to be its dad" he says pointing his finger to my abdomen

"That would be nice... We could also get married so that people won't suspect anything wierd" I took a sip of the tea 'oh wow it surprisingly isn't poison' I thought to myself before giving Aomine a smile

"Well then I guess I should pull this thing out now... It's been with me for 7 years" He pulls out a blue ring box from his pocket

"I saved up to get this" he opens the box and it showed a silver ring with a white diamond

"I've always wanted to ask you this" He got on one knee

"Will you marry me?" He says with his signature smile

"Don't be a jerk like Akashi." He chuckles and nods

"Yes." I smiled at him. I guess life would have been nicer if I chose Aomine

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