Chapter 2

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Neil stared at the fence, the metal glistened in the rather bright summer sun. He could hardly climb any of the stuff in the gym so he had no idea how the hell he'd get over this. Maybe just do it how Max did it. Letting out a sigh he took off his bag and slung it over the other side. It landed with a loud thump and he swore he heard something crack. God he hoped that wasn't his water bottle or phone. He grabbed onto the fence with one hand and put his foot in between the woven metal, hoisting himself up shakily. It took a while to get to the top, it wasn't the strongest of fences after all, but when he finally managed to get up he immediately fell back down the other side.

Yeah he wasn't going to get back out of the woods this way.

As he landed on his back he let out a loud groan, staring at the cloudy blue sky for a while as he regained his breath. Fuck him and his weak body. He sat up after a bit and brushed himself down, grabbing his bag from where it sat just beside a holly bush. Sighing, he stood up, looking at the dense woodland before him.

It didn't take him long to realise he'd lost Max.

Panicking, Neil quickly walked through the trees, eyes wide and darting around the place in search of him. Honestly, it didn't help that Max was wearing dark clothes. A dark blue, almost black, hoodie with black jeans. Probably the only thing he would be able to see would be his shirt, that was white, but that would only be if he took off his hoodie.

Neil walked around for a while. He didn't want to call out his name, mostly out of fear, but at the same time that was the only option he had. He still hated nature. It was so.. dirty and scary. The ground was covered in wet mud, sticks, twisted tree roots and other plant debris. Everything was overgrown and untamed. To be honest he was surprised to find an almost natural path to walk down. The only obstacles were the occasional bramble or stinging nettle. It wasn't the plants that bothered him though. It was the animals. Yeah, this place didn't have platypuses, like at Camp Campbell, but it did have squirrels! God he hoped they weren't as chaotic here. He still was paranoid about them coming to take over humanity. Also there were probably foxes and raccoons.. all of them could easily pick on him!

Then he heard loud muttering. He immediately recognised it.

It was Max!

Sighing loudly in relief, Neil headed towards the sound. He couldn't exactly hear what the other was saying but it was definitely angry muttering, he'd heard it enough throughout the past 8 years to know, however it didn't go on for much longer. Soon,  Neil could hear growling. He quickened his pace and peered out from behind a tree. Max was there but.. holy fucking shit..

Neil had to cover his mouth to stop himself from gasping. What the hell was happening to him?! Max was kneeling on the floor, hands gripping at his sides, as he shook rapidly. His body was contorting. Neil could see blood dripping from his best friends body as his limbs grew in length. His hands went from normal to long and claw like, large wounds formed on his hands that made Max cry out in pain, while the sound of bones cracking and popping filled the woodland air . The same happened to his feet, legs, back and all the way up to his head.

Blood dripped from Max's mouth and nose as his normal face stretched to ,what Neil would describe as, a muzzle. The whole time dark fur spread over his body, only causing even more blood to shed and flakes of tanned skin to fall into the crimson puddles. As the horrific ordeal slowly came to an end a long tail sprouted out from Max's lower back, causing him to whine loudly, before he collapsed to the ground, panting and growling.

Neil wanted to run over and comfort him but he was frozen, sickened by the sight and scent. That was Max but.. was it really? He looked just like a dog! Wait no.. a wolf. No no.. a werewolf. Max was a werewolf.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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