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Sorry, sorry, I know. You guys hate these. But I promise the story will start soon. I just have to address these facts really quickly.

A. Genders have been assigned for the story and nothing anyone says will make me change them. Offended? DO NOT READ. Simple as that. Kris is male and Chara and Frisk are female. DO NOT go into my comment section and complain about the fact that it disagrees with your opinion. I will immediately mute you. Try me. I dare you. *fight ready melon sounds*

B. This story is, well, a bit work in progress. I'm throwing everything in here. Theories and such that is. But if I find a theory and I want to include it, I'll put a video explaining that theory at the top of the chapter so you all can be clued in too!

C. I may get things wrong. I am not perfect and my stories are anything but perfect. But I can admit that I will make mistakes. So please, don't be mean about it. Just tell me NICELY if I make a grammar mistake or something is wrong with the way it aligns to the game. Melons have feelings too!!

D. Enjoy the story, please. And if you do enjoy it, let me know! I would love to see comments of your favorite parts of each chapter. You know, something that makes you laugh or makes a bad day become good again!! Let me know!

Anyways, I think that's it! First chapter will be coming next Friday most likely. I'm I'm the process of moving to Virginia, so things are hectic haha! But it I'll be up sometime next Friday or Saturday!! See you seedlings in the next chapter! Lovies!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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