Chapter Three

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The next forty-five minutes covered cooking safety and cooking and culinary equipment vocabulary terms. Although Louvenia unquestionably knew her material, Myrtle decided that she was a quite garrulous teacher. She'd take ten words to say something that could be easily expressed in five. Myrtle was positive that when Myrtle had been teaching, she was always very succinct and to the point. The only times Myrtle waxed poetic was over poetry.

Finally, it was time to cook. Louvenia seemed determined to make the students mix and mingle. "I'm going to choose partners for today. We're going to take time to switch out a couple of times, too. That way we'll get to know each other better and will also experience different cooking styles and methods. After all, at our ages, we're bringing a lot of life and cooking experience into the classroom!"

No one seemed thrilled about the idea of partners. Except, perhaps, for Miles. Myrtle narrowed her eyes to look at him. He acted as if he wanted to have the chance to partner with someone else.

Louvenia paired Myrtle with Chester, her former student wearing the suspenders. Miles was paired with Hattie, who gave him a tight smile that once again didn't reach her eyes.

The long counter became a food preparation area. Miles cast a concerned eye at the section that he and Hattie shared. He cleared his throat. "Are there any wipes, by any chance?"

"Wipes?" asked Louvenia, as if this were a cooking tool that she was unfamiliar with.

"Yes. To sanitize the area a bit more," said Miles.

Myrtle decided that Hattie had a real gift for eye-rolling.

Fortunately, there were antiseptic wipes under the kitchen sink and Miles quickly got the prep area closer to his rather exacting expectations. He mouthed at Myrtle: danger. Apparently, he thought germs and bacteria could possibly be the threats Wanda warned him about.

Chester laughed. "I reckon our area is clean enough, wouldn't you say, Miz Clover?"

They listened to the instructions for a few minutes and then Myrtle and Chester started chopping vegetables.

Myrtle said, "I was teasing with Miles before coming here that we'd probably know everyone in the class since it's such a small town. But actually, I only know a couple."

Chester snorted. "You're lucky then." He expertly diced a carrot.

Myrtle frowned. Her tomatoes didn't want to be chopped as well as Chester's carrot did. "You mean that you know more people here?"

"I know everyone here," said Chester lightly. And in the same light voice he said, "And I think a few of them might like to kill me. Heck, I even recognized the janitor on the way into the classroom."

Myrtle made a face at the tomato, which was now bludgeoned beyond recognition. She had the feeling that Chester was putting her on a little. She resurrected a long-ago memory of Chester coming up with tall tales in school—the kinds of tales that made teenage boys want to be like him. Some things didn't change.

Louvenia sang out, "How are we coming along?" She grimaced when she saw the obliterated tomato. "Would you like to try again with an onion, maybe, Myrtle?"

Myrtle did not want to try again with an onion. The only reason the tomato was in the shape it was in was because Chester had distracted her, which was most annoying. "How about if I simply get another tomato?" Myrtle made an attempt at a reassuring smile. "I'll pay more attention this time."

Louvenia's brow crinkled doubtfully, but she did sacrifice another tomato. "We're just a little low on tomatoes, that's all."

"I'll treat it with care," vowed Myrtle.

Cooking is Murder,  A Myrtle Clover Mystery #11Where stories live. Discover now