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JENNIE CURSED HERSELF for growing such a soft spot for lisa. whatever she did that led the thai into thinking that her midnight piano sessions were okay, the korean surely regretted it now.

the last few days, lisa had stopped doing them—which jennie absolutely treasured. perhaps she should've savored her unbothered sleep a little more because the moment she heard the deafening sound of the thai's piano, it reminded her just how much she didn't miss that damn instrument.

the door slowly creaked open, revealing a grinning lisa, "look who's 3 minutes late to the party," she opened the door some more, "come on in."

"you already know what i want."

lisa titled her head in mock confusion, "it seems that i don't, please enlighten me." her lips splitting into a goofy smile that jennie so badly wanted to rip off.

"let me sleep." the korean's response was reserved, which lisa didn't like. she wanted jennie to be angry—yelling at her even.

"nothing's stopping you from sleeping, princess."

jennie's nostrils flared a little, and instead of firing back at lisa, she stomped her way back to her apartment—making sure to slam the dark oak door with a loud thud.

lisa winced at the sound, leaning all her weight onto her own door. it seems the gods have decided to strike the thai with eternal bad luck as the door slid all the way open, leaving lisa on the floor and her wall with a dent.

the blonde decided to embrace her unfortunate situation as she spread her body across her apartment's carpeted floor. she let out a dramatic sigh, wishing the ground would swallow her up right then and there.

"jennie kim, what are you doing to me?"

after a few seconds of the thai rolling on the floor, she finally stood up. her mind was in knots, she still had no idea why jennie gave her the cold shoulder this morning.

annoy her, jisoo's voice interrupted her yet again. was it the cheap beer she drank back at rosé's or was she on the verge of going completely insane? at this point, it might as well be both.

as if jisoo's soul had possessed her, lisa strutted her way to jennie's door. the thai furiously banged on the poor rectangular piece of wood—and before she knew it, she was reciting romeo's monologue in the infamous balcony scene.

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