Chapter 1

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“Declan! Come on! You need to hurry up!” I called out.

“I'm coming!” he ran past me and breezed out the door. He was 11, cheeky and sometimes a pain. But I loved him.

“Bye dad! See you after school,” I yelled.

I jumped into the car, it was my dad’s, but he can’t drive anymore, so he gave it to me. Starting the car, I looked over at Declan who was already in the passenger seat, homework on his lap as he looked at his spelling words.

“Got a spelling test today, huh?” I asked, gesturing to his spelling book. He liked to look at the words on the way to school, even though he knew them already, just to make sure that he aced the test. He wanted dad and me to be proud of him.

“I'm going to get full marks on this test. I'm not good at science or math, but I can do English,” he answered.

“Of course you are going to get one hundred per cent. You always do!”

As I pulled up to the primary school, I gave him a hug. “Have a good day, Dec!”

“I will!” and with that, he ran off.

Sighing I leaned back against my seat. My eyes had black circles underneath, and my face was paler than normal. I had covered most of it with concealer and my foundation, but I still looked like crap. My usual blue eyes were not sparkling, and my black hair was not sitting right today. I closed my eyes and wished that I could be back at home and in bed. Instead I had to go to school, and hand in my assignment for English.

I wish I was good at English, I need to pass this assignment, or I fail the semester.

Yawning, I put my foot on the accelerator and drove off to school. I was glad that school started half an hour after the primary school did, because then I wouldn’t be late. School was a 20 minute drive out of town. Which was good and bad; good things were that the school was on acreage so we had a few farm animals. Meaning that we got out of class to go and feed them and look after them. Bad things were that it took longer to get to school and to get home. Especially because Declan finished half an hour before me, so he had to catch the bus home and be at home practically alone. I mean, dad wouldn’t be able to fight off an intruder, he’s ill for god’s sake!

Pulling up to the gates, I put my ID up to the screen. Instead of having homerooms, where the teacher marked the role, our school had ID’s and a screen. Most of the rooms in the school had ID pads to get into it, and it made it all the more harder to ditch class. Say if you were supposed to be in math, and you decided that you didn’t want to go to class on that day; other classroom doors would not let you in because your ID has your timetable on it. Pulling my car to a stop in the parking lot, closest to my last class, I jumped out of the car to say hello to my best friend.

“Hey, Shelby!” she cried, as she ran to hug me, her most recent boyfriend followed at a slower pace.

“Hey, Tasha,” I laughed.

“I'm planning on going to the shops this weekend, do you want to come?” she asked me, excitement evident on her face. How was I going to get out of this one? I worked at the big shopping centre outside of town, and I got asked if I could work all weekend by my manager. I didn’t want her to know that I was struggling with money; that I actually had to work to support myself. Tasha was rich; I didn’t want her to think that I was hanging out with her because I thought that I could use her money.

“Sorry, I can’t go because…um…my mum’s sister’s daughter’s friend died, and I promised I would go and visit them. Make sure they’re okay, you know?” I said.

“Oh, yeah okay then… Just call me, okay?” she asked, a small frown on her perfect face.

You see, Tasha is a bit of a bimbo. She’s not smart, and always has a boy with her, hoping to have fun, but I know that he won't get any. Tasha’s a virgin, and has a promise ring. She told me that she plans on staying that way for a while. She’s blonde, fake blonde, but not a bit of regrowth is found on her head, bright blue eyes that sparkle when she smiles and laughs, high cheek bones, a perfect smile and a great figure. I swear, one day she will be a model, and I will go out, brag and say that I am her best friend. Her boyfriend, I think his name is Jeremy, put his arm around Tasha, and whispered in her ear. She giggled and replied back.

“Okay then… well, I'm going to class now. See you two later,” I said, I didn’t like it when people acted all in love when they were in public and it made me squeamish.

I walked towards my classroom, dropping my books that I did not need into my locker on the way. I called out a few hellos to people who waved to me. I knew that if it weren’t for Tasha, people would just ignore me, and I knew that I should be nice, because if I ever got dumped by the popular group for some reason, I would need a place to go. Besides, my mum used to tell me if I don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all.

I walked into English and sat down at my assigned desk. It was the only class where we had a seating plan, and it sucked. I saw Tasha and Jeremy walk in, hand in hand and then not long after them, Mrs Crack. A lot of people at school made fun of her name, but I thought she was really nice; she helped me with my homework a lot because I sucked at English.

“Good morning class, so first up, I am going to collect your assignment and then we are going to start the speeches.” A few people up the back groaned as she started to walk around the room collecting the papers, maybe they forgot about the assignment and didn’t do it!

“Now, first up, Samantha, you can start us off,” Mrs Crack said.

This was going to be a long lesson…


So this was kind of a short chapter, but I just had to put a chapter up today, so I stopped there. Next chapter will be longer, I promise.

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