Chapter 5.

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"Baby." I whisper looking down at Diamond. "I'm okay." She says pressing my shirt into her thigh. "They're on their way." Clyde says peaking into the window, "Clyde." Diamond says, "Hmm?" He asks twirling his gun. "Put the goddamn gun away, moron." She says rolling her eyes then wincing again. "We should get her into the house." I say to him, he nods and puts his gun away. "We'll carry you." I say to her pushing her hair back. "Alright." She mutters, "Can you carry her?" Clyde asks opening up the door. "I'm sober." I say picking up her head as he picks up her legs. She groans in pain, "Be careful, you little shite." I say slapping him upside the head. "Sorry, sorry." He says carrying her to my front door. " Fáilte sa talamh an maireachtála?" Clyde asks, "Welcome to the land of the living." I say taking my key out of my pocket. "What if you die?" Clyde asks before tilting his head, "Shut up." Diamond mutters closing her eyes, I struggle to hold her up and locate the right key on my key ring. "Guys! Let's hurry up here!" She whines closing her eyes, "Aye, baby." I say putting the key in the lock and turning it. As the door opens I hear the sound of motorcycle engines nearby. "Lay her down gently." I say to him, "Couch?" "Table, I'm bleeding too much." Diamond says, "I'm going to stitch you up, okay baby?" I ask my old lady, "Yeah, just give me alcohol." She mutters and we lay her down on my cherry wood dining room table. "Get the bottle of whisky in the cabinet." I say going to meet the guys. "Which cabinet?" Clyde yells to me, "Figure it out." I call jogging to the guys. "What happened?!" Callum yells taking off his helmet and unmounting his bike. "Someone shot her as we were getting home." I say, "Where'd she get hit?" Jax asks in a panic, "Her leg." I say before walking back into the house. "Sis!" Callum yells shoving me out of the way and running to her side, Bobby stands me up straight, "You okay?" He asks, "Aye." I mutter taking a detour to the bathroom and grabbing everything I need to sew up my woman. "Let's go!" Callum yells, "Alright!" I call back, Jax shakes his head at me, as I enter my dining room Callum has his forehead to Diamonds. "You're going to be fine." He says before passing her the whisky bottle. "You're going to need to move now." Happy says with a small smile, "Sure." Callum mumbles moving over. "Juicy boy. Help me out." I say setting down the bag. "Oh, yeah. Sure." Juice says taking off his glove. Diamond look down at me, "Another scar..." She says before drinking some more whisky. "Hey, you are beautiful." I say caressing her face. She closes her eyes and looks away as Juice takes her hand away from the bullet wound. Juice places a gauze pad and puts pressure on her wound as I put on gloves. "Shit." She groans, "We have to fucking get these guys." Callum says as I thread the needle. "We will. Oh we will." Clay says shaking his head in disbelief. "Cuts, bullets. Just give me a lobotomy." Diamond says, "Not funny." Freddy says leaning against the doorway. She smiles, "I thought it was pretty funny." I grab the forceps and move Juice's hand. "The second this bullet comes out, you cover the wound straight away." I say to him, he nods and breathes out quickly. I put the tool in and hear her whine, "Sorry." I whisper before pulling it out and a thick line of blood comes shooting out of the bullet wound. Juice covers it immediately with gauze. "Good going Juicy boy." I mutter fixing my glasses, "I feel light headed." Diamond mutters, "Oh Christ, just try to stay with me okay?" I say grabbing the needle. "Mm." She mumbles before drinking some of the whisky. As I put the needle in she squeaks in pain and covers her eyes, "For the love of Christ." She mutters before passing out, "Babe?...Shit." I mutter before continuing to stitch her up.

I pass Callum a cigarette as I sit on the back porch. "I trusted you with my sister and the first day you get her shot." He says shaking his head. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize we were being followed." I say to him before lighting my cigarette. "Well maybe you should stop getting your Scottish fat ass drunk? Hmm? Then you'd pay attention." "Be careful there lad." I say pointing at him. He rolls his eyes, "Whatever, maybe I was wrong about letting her stay." "She's not your property." I say to him before grabbing my beer. "And now after tonight she just might not be your old lady." He says standing up and flinging his unlit cigarette at me. I nod at him and tense up my jaw. "Jax." Callum says throwing his arm over Jax's shoulder. No, I don't fucking think so. "She's awake." Half-Sack says peaking out of the house. I jump up and throw out my cigarette. "Slow your roll Scotty." Freddy says putting his hand on my chest. "Either you want a hole in your chest or you'll let me go see my girl." I say knocking his hand off his chest, he looks over at Callum who isn't paying attention. "Yeah, sure." He mumbles stepping aside. He pats my shoulder and I walk over to Diamond. "Hey." She says gently inhaling some cigarette smoke. "Hi baby." I mutter before kissing her forehead. "How did it go?" She asks grabbing my hand. "It went fine." "Is it going to scar?" She asks, I nod and kiss her hand gently. "Shit." She whines. "You're still beautiful to me babe." She rolls her eyes and takes another drag of her cigarette. "My brother? How is he?" "A psycho. He thinks this is my fault, talking about pulling you away from me." I say to her. She laughs, "Believe me, I'm not going anywhere." She says before putting her legs in between mine. I kiss her forehead and she wraps her arms around me and I smile, "You are going to be the death of me." I say. "I'm tired Filip." She says with a yawn before burning out her cigarette. "Okay, I'll carry you to bed." I say sweeping her up, she wraps her arms around my neck and sighs, "Where you going?" Callum asks, I turn to him as he leans against my back door. "I'm tired, Filip is taking me to bed." He makes a face them turns around, "You'll be sleeping on your own tonight." Callum says with his back still turned. "No, I won't." She says pushing on my chest and pointing at the bedroom. I sigh, "Don't do that Dee, seriously." Callum says before turning on his heel and looking at us. "Put me down." She mutter, "No." I say, she looks up at me, "Filip. Put. Me. Down." She says and I close my eyes and set her down gently. "You guys, get out." She says to Callums crew and the pause for a second before slinking out the back door. Callum shuts the door and folds his arms. "Why do you have to do that? I'm just trying to do what's best for you." Callum says. "Just stop. We always fought about everything before I went away, don't do this now. I cannot tell you how important it is for you to not fuck this up." I just rub my hands together awkwardly, "Now my leg hurts, I'm tired and I need to go to bed... With my boyfriend." She says grabbing my arm as she lifts her leg. Callum turns around unlocks the door and walks out. "He does not like me." I acknowledge as I scoop her back up. "He rarely likes anyone."  She says running her hand over my cheek. "Maybe I should just sleep out on the couch." "This is your house." She says raising an eyebrow. "Aye." I mutter in agreement before opening the bedroom door. As I lay her on the bed she groans some more. I shut the door then lock it. "Good call." Diamond says as I turn around and watch her trying to take off her pants. She looks up at me. "Is this funny to you?" "Aye. Its quite amusing." I say with a smile. "Help me." She whines before folding her arms. "Okay, okay."  I say laughing and walking over to the bed. "Why'd you cut off below the bullet wound and not just take off all of it." "Because there were other men in the room." I say before tearing the fabric away from her leg. "Ow!" She says before I take the fabric off her other leg. Diamond takes off her shirt and she looks up at me with her beautiful green eyes. "Ah Christ." I mutter taking off my cut and putting it on the love seat near the door. I take off the rest of my clothes and leave them strewn upon the floor before getting into bed and laying next to my sweet girl. I kiss Diamond's cheek and lay my head back on the pillow. "How do you feel?" I ask putting some hair behind her ear. "Horrible." She mutters before closing her eyes, I sigh gently and lean over to the bedside table and grab a joint before handing it to her. "No." She mutter putting her hair to her forehead. "It'll numb you. Go on baby. It'll make you feel better." I say to her before lighting it myself and taking a pull. As she takes the joint the door handle rattles. "Yo! Unlock this shit!" Callum yells banging on the door. "No! Go away!" Diamond yells before taking a pull. "Fucking idiot." Callum mutters before I hear his combat boots retreating. "What's his deal?" I ask her as she inhales some more. "Uh. He's a twat." She says before turning on her side and handing me the joint. "But why is he a twat?" I ask turning on to my side and grabbing the joint. "Because it was just me and my brothers since we were young and he always has looked out for me and maybe losing me sent him off the edge into extremely protective territory or maybe he has always been that way and I've just never notice it. But, either way he's being fucking ridiculous and it's stupid."  I stay quiet and just pull from the joint and smile as she caresses my face. "Why don't you get some sleep?" I say to her before exhaling and kissing her forehead. She points to her lips and I kiss her gently before burning out the joint in the ash tray on the bed side table. "Come here." I say opening my arms and smile as she buries her face into my chest. "See you in the morning." I say before pushing her hair back and she breathes out. " Uh. 'Kay. I'm high as fuck." She mutters and I laugh before burying my face into her hair and closing my eyes letting the tiring day take over me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2014 ⏰

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