Chapter 4

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Kronos glared down at Iapetus, who was badly shaken, traumatised even.
Kronos sighed as he faceplamed.

"I sent you down to Tartarus for one simple task, Brother, raise mother Gaia!" the king snarled, Iapetus' silver eyes darted madly around the room.

"The devil!" he cried hysterically. "He came out of nowhere!"

"The devil?" Kronos asked in pure disbelief, he then paled slightly.
"Describe this devil, for me." he then demanded, his suspicion rising, if he was right there could be a big problem at hand.

"the eyes! " Iapetus screamed as he tried to escape from Hyperions grasp.
"Black like the darkest void!"

"Did he speak!"

"He did." Iapetus seemed to focus slightly, as If recovering from his fear triggered craze. "He said, I found another loophole, suck it father."

"Μεδεώνα." Kronos growled.

The throne room grew cold and every titan sensed the atmosphere of uneasiness in the air.

"Why would Μεδεώνα be down in Tartarus?" Hyperion asked, it was unusual for the son of Chaos to delve into those depths.

"He's forbidden, Chaos cannot allow his son's interference while in contact with mother Gaia, Tartarus is bellow Gaia and the sea is above her, those two realms are amongst the few he can actually act in while on earth." Kronos glowered. "Though he doesn't go by his birth name, Medeon any longer."

"Then what is he called?" Hyperion asked as he helped up Iapetus who had returned to normal.

"Lucifer!" the Silver eyed titan growled. "The primordial of the void, Order and endings."

"This is troublesom-"


"Son of a bitch!" Kronos lit up like a Christmas tree and the entire fortress shook in response to his rage.

"Who's attacking!" he then demanded an answer from luke as his clothed shimmered into battle armor, Back biter shifted into his scythe.

"An army of 300 strong, Spartans clad in some strange black armor." Luke panted, he had battle wounds, clearly he had been attacked before raising the alarm.

"Lucifer, He's a smart bastard if I've ever met one!" Kronos snarled as he disappeared in a harmful golden explosion. His voice rang throughout the entire mountain.

"Where's he going?" Luke grunted as Iapetus healed him, the titan smirked.

"This could possibly be the biggest massacre in the history of Otrys, Kronos knows this." Iapetus explained like it was obvious.

"He's gone to gather the allied primordials." Hyperion cut in ruining the ambiguous speech Iapetus had spurted out.

"All of them?" Luke gulped, it must be bad if Kronos was putting all of his cards down on the same table.

"All but the ones who have already been killed, examples of the dead would be Tartarus, Gaia, And pontus."

"This leaves Nyx, Ouranos, hemera, Aether and Eros and possibly even Lord Chronos himself." Hyperion sighed. "This is bad, Μεδεώνα isn't one to be taken down easily, his army are from the void itself, they can kill immortals if one isn't careful."

"But it's just three hundred Spartans, we can win, right?"

"Not if Μεδεώνα is keeping them powered up, they'll be unkillable for as long as he's not taken care of." they all disappeared to the front lines in a flash of silver and orange light.

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