At a Glance

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(If you DONT know what the delicious delicacy at the top is, you are an UnCulTuRed SwiNe...ok I'm genuinely sorry I shall take my leave boiz)

Beep. Beep. Beep

Rolling over in bed I groaned and slammed my hand on the loud alarm clock, it reminded me of a parrot.
Annoying and never shuts up.
But as I rolled out of bed and tumble onto the floor, I remembered I had a test that I didn't study for. Hurrying up I rush around my room trying to throw on my school clothes before my mum yells at me. I grab my shirt and skirt
(Here in the land of down under we have strict ass uniform (language) (sorry) and I tried to make it more shirt skirt, than blazer tie black shoes ad only black shoes,....)

I limp out of my room running my fingers through my wild unruly hair, trying to de knot the bed head which has cursed me while I was peacefully in my slumber again. I see my mum rushing to the door and stopping to turn to me,
"Hi hunny, I was called into work. Make yourself some breakfast and go to school. Ok bye love you!"
You heard her voice slowly fade as the door slammed and you feel neglected. Yet again you had to walk to school, which was 12 blocks from your place and for you it felt like walking to the other side of the Earth. (Flat Earther's who)

I shove my math folder and English into my bag as I swing it over my shoulder grabbing some bread (just bread.) from the cupboard and shoving it into my mouth running it in between my lips (...) I then lash at it with my carnivorous teeth and swallow the yeast and water mix which taste like heaven in my mouth.

I race out the door after checking the time 7:49am the bell goes at 8:25am takes roughly 21 minutes to get there I should make it. So after devouring my bread I grab 10 bucks from the counter and shove it in my pocket deciding I will buy my lunch from the canteen (look its canteen alright nothing else, k good).
I lunge out the door and try to use every ounce of energy in my body to propel it forward and continue moving, it feels as though nothing works and I'm just falling into a terrible sleep. I hum songs to myself, and eventually I'm screaming lyrics and in my head there is a crowd watching me as the words tumble out my mouth?
The song Video killed the radio star by the buggles had been in my head since I was born it felt so good to get all my nonexistent energy out.

After I had finished singing my heart out I heard a slow clap resonate behind me and I looked behind to see the boy I had been dreading to see.
Here he was, behind me and he had finished listening to me hurling lyric after verse after chorus out of my mouth. I blush and go as red as the roses from Mrs Smith's garden I force my head back in front of me and try to ignore the presence of the boy who has so dreadfully caught my attention.
"Hey wait up!" He yelled from behind me I heard shuffling and he had caught up to my side, I tried to enhance my speed by taking bigger steps but he was to tall and my legs to short. I was puffed.
"(Y/N)..? Right?" I nodded my head and stumbled lightly over a rock which wasn't TherE bEFORE!
"Careful (Y/N), would want ya falling for me!" He said and winked playfully in my direction, I felt a pink tingle brush my cheeks as I shook my head and tried to dispose of the grin that latched itself onto my face destroying the air of discomfort.
The rest of the way he was silent I occasionally looked at him but he looked straight ahead the whole while, however sometimes he would steal a glance from his porriferral vision.
We arrived at school and went our seperate ways to our locker,
"(Y/N) HEY GURL! YOUR SOOOOO LATE!" the voice of my amazing best friend echoes along the empty hall as I run to her and high five her.
Today was going to be good, I just had to believe it.

First chapter done! How was it? any suggestions, improvements, anything just comment down below and please vote for this story I'm really trying and I am willing to pursue this story if you like it!
Thanks for reading love you

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