Face To Face

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I didn't imagine I would be going to a conference in Cebu City.

I thought it would only be a small gathering or a classroom lecture. Entering the huge auditorium, the place was more formal than I expected. Paulo's face was plastered over a small billboard outside the main hall, saying he was one of tonight's guest speakers. There were also a lot of people than I anticipated. I think hundreds were there. He must be famous, I thought. He'd mentioned nothing about this in his emails.

Standing in front of the billboard, I received a text message from Paulo.


Hi, Annie. Did you make it?



I'm already here.



Great! I'm on my way.


So you're making me wait, I whispered.

Feeling anxious, I walked around and checked the different stalls. There were lots of kiosks offering various things. Photo booths, snack bars, and souvenir stands lined up against the back wall. My eyes wandered around amidst the frenzy and I felt a little dizzy as people walked, ran, shouted, bantered, and moved all around me. I noticed a book stall at the end of the line of shops and instantly felt excited. It was like finding an oasis in the middle of a desert.

Unsurprisingly, one of the titles was Paulo's. I grabbed the paperback, closed my eyes, and smelled the pages like I always did for every new book I read.

I was paying for the book when I realized that people started entering the main hall and began finding their own seats.

I walked quietly in one aisle, looking for a place to sit, and noticed many guides on every corner. I believe they are called "ushers," like those in my uncle's church back home. I was approached by one and she motioned for a seat on the fourth row from the front, one which I gladly took. Eavesdropping, I heard two old women in front of me talking about him. Paulo.

"It's exciting to hear Pastor Boyet speak tonight," one of the women said. "Boyet" was Paulo's nickname from childhood, and it was obvious he brought it here with him. I've always called him Paulo because it was his given name and I wanted myself to be different.

"He will be talking about inner healing and deliverance tonight, right?" her companion asked.

"Yes. And I really feel the power of the Holy Spirit every time he gives his messages. He's really very anointed," the first woman answered.

Power of the spirit? Anointed? I've heard these things a lot of times from my uncle.

"You'll see, once the worship starts you will hear him speak in tongues," said a young lady sitting next to me. She looked quite friendly so I smiled back, even though I didn't understand a word she said. "When Pastor Boyet asks an altar call, you can come in front and he or someone from his staff can pray for you." I couldn't think of anything to say so I just nodded.

Speak in tongues? Altar call? Now, those were new ones. But I was silent for a different reason. I was thinking, is it really Paulo they were talking about?

A few minutes had passed and then the program started. The first speaker delivered his message and I fought the urge to walk out of the auditorium. I looked around searching for Paulo, but I couldn't see him anywhere.

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