Emails 2

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Annie Reyes <anna_>

09/03/2018 08:50 AM

Subject: Sunset, Cebu, Nicholas Sparks, and poetry...

How are you? Hope you're doing fine. I hope the sunsets there in Cebu are as inspiring as they are here in Subic. =) Yes, I've heard that movie, "Before Sunset," but I haven't watched it yet. I also heard that it has a first part called "Before Sunrise" and a third part called "Before Midnight," and all three were released nine years apart from each other.

I've attached here a poetry book I wrote. The one I was talking to you about in our previous letters. It has 24 poems and was titled "Of Rainy Days And Moonlit Nights." I send them to you not only for you to read, but also for me to find out your comments about it. =)

I've also been reading this Nicholas Sparks book called "See Me," and I recommend for you to look it up as well. It's a simple love story combined with a little bit of thriller and suspense, much like "Safe Haven" or "The Guardian." I know you'll love it, too!

Well, anyway, that's all for today. I hope you're having a great day. I know how busy your schedule is, and please do find time to rest. Take care of yourself, because there are so many people counting on you.

Bye, and till our next email,


Paulo Santiago <>

09/07/2018 09:10 PM

Re: Sunset, Cebu, Nicholas Sparks, and poetry...

First of all, very nice subject title: Sunset, Cebu, Nicholas Sparks, and poetry. It amazed me so much that I made a poem out of it. Here it is:


This is a September sunset

But grey clouds are cheating us of the stars.

I mark this spot on my calendar

This 28th day of September that you're not around.

Like days at Roadway Inn

Like nights on Madelaine's Place.

I circle it in red

So next year I can remember

Laugh and say I over-dramatized your absence.

I am alone in this stormy island

Hundreds of miles away from anything

I can call home

Do you know what Cebu means?

It means "change everything... but us"

I know it's corny, yeah, it is.

But as corny as it sounds

You know it's true

And longing hearts were always

Like that.

Sitting here at the airport

Felt like I'm the best-selling author

Of Nights in Rodanthe.

Just thinking, wishing, just that

Wanting to write, but like you

Absent were paper and pens.

If I could tell you one thing

This lonesome September night

I'll say it as loving as I can.

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