Chapter 17

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I was finally able to go home. The door pushed open and in walked my big brother, "Hey. Ready to go?" He gave me a warm smile. I nodded and smiled back, then crawled out if the bed. "Ok!" He hugged me quickly and we headed home, before we left I quickly waved to Connor as if he could see me. I knew he couldn't though.

We got into the car and started to drive, I was honestly really nervous. The whole reason I was in the hospital was because of a car, I took a deep breath. "You ok?" Jc asked, I could feel my stomach turning. Anxiety was getting to me. I started breathing faster, "Hey. Hey. Hey. Its ok." Jc tried to get my attention. "Its alright. I'll drive carefully." He reassured me by placing his hand on top of mine, I calmed down a bit and managed to spread a smile across my lips. We arrived at home safely, thank fuck! I was ready to get out of this death trap! I rushed inside, hoping that they wouldn't have some party or anything. It's not that I would appreciate it, its just I don't think its a good idea. To my luck, there was no party or anything crazy, just my friends sitting on the couch, watching TV, minding their own business. Sam looked away from the TV for a second and over at me, "Hey gorgeous!" He greeted me by running over and giving me a hug. I hugged back and he pulled away, "Nice to have you back again." He gave me a little wink and a smile. I rolled my eyes and smiled back, I was then greeted by everyone else.

It felt nice to be back, but I felt like I forgot something at the hospital. It felt like something important. Like I needed it. Then I realized exactly what it was, Connor. It felt like I had left a piece of my heart there, I love Connor to bits and I don't want anything bad to happen to him or at least nothing worse then what had happened. He still hasn't woken up. "Sadie? Hello???" Trevor snapped, trying to get my attention. I guess I was zoned out, I focused my attention back to my friends and tried to not let my mind distract me again. "Don't worry. We're gonna visit Connor everyday." Jenn spoke up, it was like she read my mind. No matter how much I tried I couldn't keep my thoughts off of him, his laugh and his smile. He meant so much to me. I can't lose him. I nodded then grabbed out my phone, I went into my notes and started typing. "I'm sorry.. I just miss him... Anyways... I think I'm gonna head to bed if you all don't mind.." I showed then the message and they all nodded. They all told me to get some rest and that they were happy I was home, I started walking upstairs when I was stopped. "Hey.." Someone grabbed my shoulder gently, I turned around and saw that it was Jc. "Get some rest. Seriously. I promise we can see Connor tomorrow.. Ok?" I nodded gently, "I love you." He wrapped his arms around me softly and I hugged back. I nodded again and then walked all the way upstairs to my room.

The bed was freshly made, a new vase with some flowers sat at my bedside table. Those weren't the first things I noticed though. The first thing I noticed was the drawing, the one with the heart that said "Sadie+Connor" I instantly broke down into tears. I needed cuddle time, I needed him to know how much he meant to me, I needed one last kiss. I needed him.


Hello beautiful people!

Sorry its so short!!


The next chapter will be the last for this book...

I'm sorry.

Love you guys!

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