Hugo Vega

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You rapt on the door of Hugo's room, you heard a weary voice telling you to come in. You opened the door to find Hugo slumped in his seat with a lot of papers on his desk, he looked up to you and a smile was forming on his lips.

"Hello! What brings you here?" He asked you. You can't very well come out and say you wanted to see him, you started to form excuses to find the best one to use on Hugo. "I need advice." You mentally slapped yourself for not being able to think of a better excuse immediately.

"Let's talk it out in the kitchen, I could use a break from grading papers." He stretched his arms behind his back, slowly arose up from his seat and walked out of the room, you followed Hugo to the kitchen where he rummaged through the cupboards to find teabags. He found the teabags and plopped the two teabags into the two mugs, turned the kettle on to boil the water. You took a seat at the kitchen table, wracking your brain to think of what kind of advice you need to consult Hugo on? What does he like? Books, cheese, tea and what else, you keep trying to think.

The sound of the kettle whistled, Hugo poured the water into the mugs and bought one to you, one for himself. He took the seat opposite of you and asked you exactly what you need help with? He looked at you with curiosity in his eyes.

"I was thinking of writing a short story to submit into a magazine, I don't know where to begin with that." Nicely done, you mentally patted yourself on the back for coming up with a somewhat believable lie.

Hugo thoughtfully asked you "What genre are you thinking of venturing into?"

"That's just it, I don't know." You haven't thought that far, you tried to think of a genre. Instead of thinking of a genre, your mind was filled up of Hugo and you felt embarrassed.

"That'll be your homework of the day, find a genre and discover what story you want to tell." He said with a smile as he took a sip from his tea. You also took a sip of the tea, it aroma smelled so good and you felt the warm tea going down your throat. "Yes, Mr Vega" You mimicked how his students called him, he laughed softly.

Your heart felt as if there was multiple flowers blooming out of your chest as you heard his soft laughter, you wanted nothing more than melt into his arms and look at him. You quickly snapped out of the daydream, that was dangerous. You didn't want him to notice how you felt until you know how he feel about you.

"Do you have plans for the the weekend?" You shyly asked Hugo, he looked at you and shakes his head "No plans yet. I've been thinking of making a trip out of the city." He said "Have you got anything to do for the weekend?" Hugo asked you.

"None, maybe I can join you for the trip?" You laughed as if that was a joke, Hugo beamed at you and said "That'll be nice if you have sometime to join me!" You can't help but want to smile, your smile was displayed on your face, he did the same to you. "What would you like to do?" Hugo asked you to plan for the trip, thinking of what activities to to do together and you never felt better, excited for the weekend to come.

After finishing your teas together, the plans have been made. All that's left is the time to settle on when to go. You both found the time you both can agree on. You said "10 am, it is then!" You happily said to Hugo. "It's a date." Hugo blushed as he said it to you, you felt red in the face after hearing the words from him.

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