Top 5 Wallpaper Apps/Live Wallpapers

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Top 5 Wallpaper Apps/Live Wallpapers

No.5 Kovdev Series (Search: Kovdev)

The kovdev series includes pre-installed wallpapers like Samsung Wallpapers, Htc Wallpapers, Motorola and a few

No.4 Chubby Panda LW

Brilliant cute wallpaper, I constantly change it to this one and only a few wallpapers can beat it.

No.3 Zedge

Has a collection of cool wallpapers, as well as ringtones (This is about wallpapers so I'm not gonna go into detail on them). However, has the potential to lag your phone completely.

No.2 Picspeed

Has heaps of wallpapers but WallpapersHd wins on quality.

No.1 WallpapersHd

It's sorted properly and has lots of wallpapers. Not a much as Zedge or Picspeed.

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