chapter 3

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Bon's pov:
It has been a week since rin left and the class was never the same it was quite and boring without him

Then yuriko came in with a smile on his face

Yuriko: hi mina (everyone) I have some good news and bad news

Shiemi: ok so what's the good news

Yuriko: ok the good news is that show stoppers academy is coming here to take extra classes

That was great news we could see rin I guess we were all hopping that

Me: and what's the bad news?

Yuriko: there only coming once a week

We all frowned at that we were happy we might see rin again but we didn't know if he was coming here

Yuriko: oh and tomorrow their coming to show us what they already know so they are going to have a concert here bring earplugs just incase

Time skip to tomorrow

Rin's pov:
To day we are going to true cross academy why you may be asking well it's because of the extra classes cronow and the gang asked me to take them and promised me that they  will keep my old friends and my brother away so I had no choice to except

Also cronow promised me that he will give me a special surprise after today he said to be prepared for it so I'm excited for it hehe

Another time skip

Aoi's pov:
We arrive at true cross and some people come to greet us but in the corner of my eye I see rin go pale probably his old friends and his brother

Yuriko: hello welcome to true cross academy we hope you all enjoy

We then walk past them all when they all lay eyes on rin they try to talk to him but crow drags him away saying to show us his old classrooms

And cronow being cronow he will try to keep rin to him self away from his past friends oh well we will see how the day goes till it's our time to perform and I'm sure rin and crow will show them all what for hahaha

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