chapter 1

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(A/n: it's going to be after a week rin left his old school and has already made friends and my oc already now I will go bye)
Rin's pov:
It's been a week since I left true cross academy and came to show stoppers and it's been nothing but great the academy has rules that are good for all to follow, the classes are fun and I have lot's of friends

And guess what I told them I'm a demon and they say that was cool because cronow was a demon

Oh yeah cronow is this guy I met in class he was my first friend here so it was great the person I love is the same as me-oh yeah and I forgot to mention I have a crush on him

Our friend criss says I should tell him and that he will feel the same but in all honest I don't know if he does

Because in most of our classes that had weird topics someone would cover his ears in advance to keep his mind clean

(My friends say that I should stay clueless for that topic because when mentioned I would say 'what does that mean ?? and the would say that)

So yeah that happens but today I built up enough courage to tell him my feelings...


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