sope fluff one shot

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"i don't wanna lean on you too much, like i do. i know you're vulnerable to stress, even if you hardly ever show it. i know i'm tired and unmotivated, and everyone knows you charge my battery. i get energy and happiness just looking at you and being around you. but i want to be your rock too. i want us to take care of each other equally. but idk how bc you've basically saved me. i was so depressed and lethargic all the time before i met you. but you've shown me a new life. you try so fucking hard to make everyone else happy, and made me realize if you were strong enough to always do that, then i could be strong enough to at least make myself happy. but i didn't have to, it was effortless bc i had you to make me happy. i feel like i can be entirely myself around you. sad, tired, happy, excited, quiet, loud, goofy, whatever it is you support and encourage me. you inspire a better me. idk how to give the equivalent to you, hoba."

"yoongi," hoseok sighed fondly, standing in front of him, hands resting on yoongi's hips to calm him. "sweetheart, do you know how much you take care of me?? i know you pretend to be cold & tough, but you're really the biggest softie. when i can't sleep you lightly run your hands over my body like my parent's used to do so i can sleep. when i'm scared of something dumb, like a roller coaster or scary movie, you don't see me any different. you comfort me and i can tell you think it's cute," hoseok laughed, earning a muffled grin from yoongi. "when i over practice you come to the dance studio and convince me to come home. at home you cook me delicious meals i could never make on my own. you massage my feet and sore muscles, and run your fingers through my hair how i love. when i'm struggling with writing lyrics or practicing my flow in a verse, you always help and motivate me to try harder. when i am stressed you're always there, noticing and asking what's wrong. you're always supporting me. you take every chance to promote hope world and let everyone know how great of a dancer you think i am. only you really make me laugh. i'm so fond of you, baby. i know you'll always protect me. i'll always be your number one. i'm yours and you're mine, forever & ever. we're best friends and family. we're a power couple," hoseok laughed the last part again to lighten the mood.
yoongi hid his face in his hobi's neck and mumbled, "saranghae," barely audible. hoseok knew he was crying under his bucket hat and surgical mask. he wanted to see yoongi's cute little dewy eyes, but decided he could wait to spare yoongi his pride. no matter how close they were, suga would always hide his tears. 
"saranghae," hoseok replied, reaching for yoongi's shoulders to hold him in a swaying hug. "not to mention," he added smiling, "you're sweet eyes, pouty lips, boopable nose, cute figure, pretty hands, cute ass, gummy smile, and deep voice."
yoongi smirked, obviously done crying, "like that compares to your dimples, heart smile, lip freckle, perfectly arched nose, connected ear lobes, bright eyes, and cute cheeks." yoongi said. then after hearing himself he made a disgusted sound affect. hope laughed, "hahah the things i do to you." "you're telln me," yoongi dramatically rolled his eyes before smiling back up at his baby. hoseok pressed a light his to his forehead :~))

sope one shot fluff Where stories live. Discover now