Jombies ?

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Shifu and the Five fight against the enslaved masters on the rooftops. Po and Akemi leap onto the fray.

Po- Enemies of justice , prepare for--

The siblings see twin jade covered badgers glare daggers at them. Akemi leapt back a little as she was taken aback by their appearance.

Akemi- What the--?!

Po- Wha... Are you kidding me ?! Whoa.

Akemi- What happened to them ?! Why are they all green ?

Po- Who knows ?

Po crashes into the roof as Akemi ,  Shifu , Five , and the twins stop fighting for a moment to look at him.

Akemi- You alright ?

Po- Ow . Yes.

The fight proceeds. Shortly after , Po gets back onto the roof and fights along his sister.

Po- What's the deal with the green guys ?

Tigress- ( Flinches from one of their punching attacks ) Some kind of jade zombies.

Po & Akemi- Jade zombies ?

Monkey lands beside them.

Po & Monkey- Jombies ! Jinx !

Akemi looks at them , deadpanned.

Akemi- Seriously ?

Then Monkey gets hit in the head.

Monkey- Ow !

Then Li manages to catch up and sees his son fighting the dangerous masters.

Li- Lotus , be careful !

Po- It's okay , Dad !

Then Po gets struck by a porcupine master .

Po- Whoa. I recognize these guys ! The Master Badger twins ... And their double gong technique !

The badgers hit him simultaneously.

Akemi- Yep. That's the one.

Then they see Shifu fighting a one of the jade masters.

Akemi- Then that guy just be...

Po- Master Porcupine !

Porcupine shoots an arrow at them but Akemi quickly flips back and Monkey deflects it.

Akemi- Thanks , Monkey.

Monkey- ( Smiles ) Don't mention it. ( Looks confused ) But I thought he died a hundred years ago .

Akemi then realizes... He was right. He did die a few hundred years ago. So , someone must've revived him.

Akemi- So wait , if he did passed away , then who...?

Before she could finish her question , she sees Po trying to get the painter to do the sketch with Porcupine .

Akemi- ( Scoldingly ) Po , there is no time for an autograph painting with the masters !

Po- Aw , come on !

Porcupine then kicks him on the head and jumps away.

Po- ( To the Painter ) Did you get it ? Did you get it ?

Akemi and Po see the painting. Akemi , amused , snickers as Po glares at her.

Po- ( Sarcastically ?l Ha ha. Very funny , Akemi. But I blinked though ! Can we get another one ?

Then Po is attacked by Porcupine as they crash into his room as a badger pursues her but she kept dodging his attacks. She then hears from Po being choked by Master Porcupine was awesome and she shoots back that he's insane if he's considering a death wish from one of his favorite legendary masters before she races down to the shop where she sees her angry goose father chopping up the vegetables angrily.

Akemi- Dad , move away ?

Ping- ( Confused and scared ) What ?

Suddenly , Po and Porcupine crash down and continued to fight.

Po- Sorry , Dad ! I'll clean it up later !

Po then picks up a pan.

Ping- Whoa , whoa ! Not my good pan ! ( Offers a ladle ) Take this one.

Akemi stares blankly at him.

Akemi- Really , Dad ?

Ping- ( Childishly ) What ?!

Then the ragtag siblings fight against the badger brothers , but the ladle,  Po's using , breaks. Po dodges a strike , causing of Po to be cut in half as Li gasps in fear.

Po- ( To Li ) Dad , check out my dumplings of doom !

Po kicks a table and launches the bowls of dumplings into the air. When he catches all of them in his mouth , Viper wraps herself around Po's belly and Tigress and Akemi pull their friend's tail back to release the dumplings at the enslaved masters. Shortly after , the quadruple pins down the Porcupine and the badgers.

Akemi- Gotcha !

Then the master's eyes begin to glow suddenly and they hear an evil laughter , to everyone's surprise . The laughter even freaked out Akemi.

???- I see you two. Your chi will be mine

Akemi- Who said that ?

Po- Are they talking to us ?

Tigress- Which one ? They're all talking .

Po- Whoa , you're right. That's so scary. We should try that too ( Akemi rolls her eyes )  Maybe it'd be scary back at them.

Mantis- Okay , we gotta plan what we're gonna say first. Otherwise it won't be scary. It'll be just stupid.

Kai- It's not them talking , you idiots ! It's me talking through them , Kai.

Akemi- ( Sassily ) Well , sorry ! How were we supposed to know when we never saw this kind of stuff before ?!

Everyone else- Who ?!

Kai- Okay , okay . Enough.

Then the culprit , Kai , converts the enslaved trio back into their jade pendants , which flies all the way back to him. The entire gang look up in confusion.

Po- Did you see that ? Did you see--?

Mantis- Whoa , what just happened ?

Po- The green smoke just poof... And then poof ?

Akemi- ( Glares in suspicion ) Okay , this os just getting strange.

To Be Continued....

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