Chapter 7

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               Y/n's POV
I get ready for school and me and Ryder. Joe takes us and we go to are classes. School went surprisingly fast and I guess we have a week camping trip that starts tomorrow.

Skip to them getting caught smoking weed.

"I can't believe you too." Mel said. "I'm sorry but we didn't smoke it we just held it." I say. "Yeah Okay but they suspended you guys for the rest of The school year so now your homes school and go to your rooms now."

Skip to a month in homeschool

"I hate this." I say to Ryder. "Me too but at least we're together." Ryder says. "Yeah your right." I say and peck his lips. Then Lennox walks in and I scoot away from Ryder and he scoots away from me. Then joe comes in and has a phone call. He's yelling through the phone to someone. When he did that it reminds me of when me and parents were in jersey with joes parents and it was yelling all around. Joe was like a brother to my dad when I lived back in jersey, and joes family was so nice. They loved me and we used to live with them for 3 years because we couldn't afford a house and then my dad got the job offer in Toledo and that's how I ended up here. Joes ends the phone call and Lennox says, "jeez why you so mad at your sister." "I'm not mad at her that's just New Jersey for I love you." Joe says. "Wow, so how do you tell if someone's angry." Lennox asks. "The police show up." Me and joe say at the same time. We look at each other and high five. "I am upset though, my grandma Sofia is failing." Joe says. "Oh my god I'm so sorry joe." I say. "It's fine y/n remember it's her birthday  next week and it will probably be her last and all she wants to see is me and Tiffany together." Joe says. "Why dose she want to see your ex wife." Ryder asks. "I kinda never told her we got a divorce." Joe says. "Do you lied to her." Lennox says with a chuckle. "More like protecting." I say. "Yeah I was protecting her, why can't you two see that." He says and points to Lennox and Ryder. "Joe were simple Ohio people, no yelling is required." Lennox says. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry once I let the jersey out it's very hard to walk it back." Joe says. "Joe, have some guava juice." Ryder says. "Thank you man thank you." Joe says. I roll my eyes, "so when you go back there to see her, what're you going to say?" Lennox says. "Happy 99th birthday nona I'm divorced. I might as well just plunge a knife into her congested old heart." Joe said. "I never knew why Nona loves Tiffany so much." I said. "Me either kid." Joe says. "Hey, why don't you just ask Tiffany to go with you so that you can pretend to be married for a couple of hours." Ryder says. "That is the stupidest idea I've ever heard and I already tried that." Joe says. "You wanna know what's funny though." Joe says. "I-I don't think I really want to ask any more questions." Ryder says and I giggle. "My Nona's eyesight is so bad she probably won't know the difference between Tiffany and a wall, I mean you know if the wall was like stacked." Joe says with a chuckle. Then Mel walks into the kitchen and says, "hello, people of my kitchen, I was shoe shopping. Check out the latest stiletto heels. Now be honest with me do these make me look to trashy." Then an idea popped in my head an I'm pretty sure joe had the same idea when he said, "I'd say just trashy enough."

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