Chapter 6

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Izuku's POV~

"What the fuck happened to your eye Deku?!" Those were the first words I heard from my best friend after just up and leaving one day without a goodbye. I mean, I guess he isn't yelling at me, right?

"He ran into wall." Kami said calmly. There's no way any of them actually believe that story.

"Like hell he ran into a fucking wall and got a black eye! Who the fuck hit you? It was your fucking d~" Kacchan was going crazy at this point. Thankfully his mate, Todoroki, stepped in. Just barely in the frame of the phone as he grabbed Kacchan's arm and looked him in the eye.

"Katsuki, he said he ran into a wall. He ran into a wall." He said slowly and calmly, but he could tell that he wasn't to be argued with. I was a little bit scared for Kacchan. Ugh I hate being and omega, I'm scared of every alpha.

"But he's~" Kacchan, for some stupid reason, tried to fight back. Kacchan may be a scary alpha sometimes, but Todoroki is one of the scariest I've met, besides my father and maybe Dabi.

"Katsuki." Yeah, that shut him up real quick.

"Oh, well bye I guess." I heard Kami mumble on the other end. I guess Todoroki and Kacchan left.

"Okay, you talked to Bakugou, now please go to bed baby." Kiri said, coming back into the frame.

I started to sigh, but it ended up being a yawn. "Go to bed Izu. Call us when you wake up. I love you." Kami said.

"I love you too." Kiri added.

"Fine. Good night, I love you guys too." I said, before hitting the end call button.

I set my phone down and rolled over, falling fast asleep.

I woke up the next morning hot. Terribly hot. That's not good. I shouldn't be in heat. I just had it maybe a week ago? What's happening? This isn't right.

I quickly reach for my phone. I can't... I can't go through this on my own. Oh god what am I gonna do?

I quickly call my mates. They pick up after the second ring, but only Kiri seemed to be there. "Oh, hey baby. Give me a sec to wake up Denki." He said, putting the phone down, probably to wake up our other mate. I let out a whine.

"Izu?" I heard Kami sleepily say, coming into frame will rubbing the remains of sleep from his eyes. I let out a more needy whine. Both of my mates were instantly alert.

"Baby... are you in heat?" Kiri asked stiffly. I wasn't even anywhere near them and they were still affected. I wanted to smile at the power I seem to have over them, but then I was hit with another cramp and all I could do was whine softly while nodding my head.

"Shit, Eiji what'd we do?" I heard Kami whisper the red head.

"Get on a fucking plane and fly to him." Kiri responded, sounding dead serious.

"We can't, you know what the pros said." Kami argued. I didn't have a clue what they were fighting about, and I didn't care, I just want them with me.

"Kiri... Kami... guys please." I whimpered out while holding my stomach in pain.

"Fuck. What'd we do? He needs an alpha." Kiri said, running his hand through his hair that wasn't styled do to them being asleep prior to this call.

"Well... I mean... We do know two alpha's that are there..." Kami hesitantly suggested. It didn't sound like he liked the idea either.

"There isn't. A. Chance. In. Hell. That I'm letting a villain anywhere near my mate while he's in heat." Kiri growled out, I whined at the sound.

"He's our mate dumb ass, and trust me, I don't like that idea anymore than you do. I was leaning more towards Shinso. He's a good guy and I mean, he was raised by our teachers." Kami reasoned.

One of the most painful cramps I've ever experienced in my life hit me and I almost screamed. Well I did scream, but into my pillow so I wouldn't wake my parents. But my mates noticed. I guess never going though heat with out an alpha to help me, is coming back to bite me.

"Please... make it stop..." I begged weakly to them over the line.

"God damn it! He should fucking be here, with us. This isn't a problem we should be having!" Kiri yelled on the other side. Kami put his hand on his arm, trying to calm him down.

"As much as I would prefer that, it isn't possible right now. We need to call Shinso." Kami stressed.

"Fine! But get Bakugou to talk to him about it. He knows the most about Izu in heat." Kiri finally caved.

"Okay. Izu baby, Shinso's going to be there soon, you've just got to wait it out okay?" Kami said to me softly.

Kami then walked out of screen but I could hear him mumbling on the phone with someone, either Kacchan or Shinso, I don't know which one.

They ended up staying on the phone with me until Shinso finally showed up about forty minutes later. "Oh jesus Midoriya. How're you doing?" He asked, walking cautiously into my room. Kacchan probably warned him that I was territorial with my nest. I never made a nest, I never felt the need to, because I wasn't supposed to get my heat!

I just let out a whine in return, opening my arms for a hug. I just really need contact with an alpha. He walked right over to my bed and sat down. I instantly jumped into his lap, straddling him and burying my head into his neck.

"Um, bye?" I heard one of my mates say from my phone that was lying discarded on my pillows. I felt Shinso reach over and grab it.

"I assume you guys are his mates?" He asked them.

"Yup, that's us so keep your hands to yourself buddy." I heard Kami threaten.

Shinso just chuckled. "You do realize you guys asked me to help him through heat, right? I kind of have to touch him for that." He said.

Kiri growled. "Don't fucking remind me." He gritted out.

"Hey Midoriya, Bakugou said on the phone that you just had a heat like a week ago. Do you have an idea why it's back?" Shinso asked me gently. I shook my head 'no' not moving from my position. "Okay." He mumbled back to me, pulling me tighter to him.

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