Chapter 13

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Izuku's POV~

The two boys lead the way into the tiny cafe, quickly spotting their friends and making their way over. I stumbled behind them. "Hey guys!" One of the guys sitting at the table called, he had deeply tanned skin, kind of like Lance.

"Hey Hunk." Lance said back with a big smile. He took a seat next to a buff guy with snow white hair. He pulled Lance into a hug, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. They must be mates, but what about Keith? Are they all mates?

"Who's the shaking piece of lettuce?" A small blonde girl asked. I almost laughed at her comparison. I've been called broccoli before, but never lettuce.

"Pidge!" The guy holding Lance scolded. The girl, Pidge, just held up her hands in surrender.

"That's Izuku, he's having some mate troubles and an angry alpha looked like he was about to pummel him, so we snatched him." Lance explained, cuddling into the guy more.

"Hi Izuku, I'm Hunk, Pidge, and the dad with white hair is Shiro. Allura was supposed to meet us here, but she seems to be a little late." The guy that first called out to us explained, pointing to everyone in turn.

"Um, hi." I said shyly, waving a little bit.

"Jesus this kids adorable. What's his mate trouble? I'm gonna punch someone for making this little cinnamon roll sad." Pidge said, standing up. I stared at her with wide eyes.

"As much as I appreciate that, I don't think you could get a hit on them. They're training at UA to be heroes. Kind of extensive combat training." I explained to her.

She just scoffed at me. "So are we. At the Garrison, not UA, obviously, but still training to be pros!" She said proudly. I was instantly interested in them.

"What're your guys's quirks!" I asked them excitedly. Shiro laughed at my reaction.

"I can grow basically any plant and manipulate it to do whatever I want!" Pidge exclaimed, making a flower grow in her hand. I let out an amazed gasp.

"That's amazing!" I told her. I think there's a girl in class 1-B with a similar quirk.

"I have an ice quirk. I'm basically Elsa." Lance said with a flick of the invisible hair over his shoulder. I giggled at him.

Keith rolled his eyes. "I have a fire quirk. I'm the anti Elsa." He said.

"Oh my god! You guys are Todoroki!" I exclaimed suddenly. I started to laugh really hard and they were all just staring at me in confusion.

"Oh jeez, sorry. Let me explain. He's one of my friends from UA. His quirk is half hot half cold. He basically has both of your quirks." I explained. Everyone just stared at me in shock.

"Jesus! That kid must be so powerful!" Pidge said.

"Oh yeah, both quirks hurt, really really bad." I said, wincing at the memory of sparring with him.

"I can make armour materialize on any part of my body, or just all of it." Hunk said.

"Oh! You're quirk is really similar to Kiri's! His~" I cut myself of when I remembered why I was even here in the first place. He doesn't love me.

"Shiro! How about you explain you're quirk for him!" Lance quickly caught on to the shift in mood and tried to change the subject. I was extremely thankful for that.

"Oh, um, well I can basically just turn my arm into any weapon I need." He said with a shrug. I turned to him with wide eyes.

"Really?! That's so cool! It can be any weapon?" I asked.

"Yup." He responded.

"I wish I had my journals. Did I leave them back at UA? I can't even remember where they are. I'll have to ask my mom if we can get some notebooks so I can start making new ones." I was mumbling to myself when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Lance. He wasn't looking at me, but at the door. I turned confused, but knew what was wrong when I saw Shinso looking around the cafe.

When he spotted us, he started to walk over to our table. "Who's that guy?" Pidge asked.

"The alpha that almost punch Lance when he tried to help a terrified omega." Keith growled, which in turn made Shiro. Definitely mates.

"Midoriya, please just listen to me~" He was cut off by Keith, who had stood up and moved right in front of him.

"Why are you even hear? Go the fuck away, he obviously doesn't want anything to do with you." Keith growled out at the purple haired boy. I had my eyes focused on the table. I hated that I was the cause of all the tension and anger.

"Midoriya. They're coming, whether you want to see them or not, they're on their way. Bakugou and Todoroki are coming to." He said, while Keith started to push him away. I looked up and locked eyes with him. They... were coming here? To America? No way....

"Dude, why are you helping him?" Shinso asked Keith. Uh oh.

"Because~" His response was cut off. He went still and his eyes were glossed over. Crap. Shiro Instantly stood up.

"What the fuck did you just do?!" He growled at Shinso. Shinso put his hands up in surrender.

"Calm down, he's fine. I just needed him to stop pushing me so I could actually talk to Midoriya." Shinso said. Then he turned back to Keith. "Go sit next to your mates, and don't get back up until I leave." He commanded. The black haired boy did as he was told. His eyes cleared up as soon as he sat down.

"You fucking bitch!" He yelled, drawing attention from the other people in the cafe.

Shinso ignored him, turning back to me. "Midoriya, you have to listen. Asui lied. You're mates are a wreck without you. They were freaking out when they woke up and found that note. They aren't using you and they love you, like a lot. Please Midroriya, they wouldn't be getting on a plane right now if they didn't love you." He pleaded with me.


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