Oof have a prologue

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Keith McClain-Kogane screamed in pain. His husband, Lance McClain-Kogane, spoke to him in a soothing voice, reminding him to breath. Moments later, a nurse handed the two boys their newborn daughter. They held the child protectively.
"Her skin." Lance said, staining at the purple girl.
"It's actually fur." Keith replied. "Lance, we knew this was a possibility."
"I know. It's just...she's gonna face a lot of shit in her life for this."
The rest of the Paladins came into the hospital room. Most of them held the girl, but Katie's arms were full with her own daughter, Lauren.
"She's beautiful." Katie said. "What are you going to name her?"
"Ziagard Esmeralda McClain-Kogane. Ziagard is Galra , and Esmeralda is slightly Spanish. We can call her Zia."
"I have a good feeling about her." Shiro said. "She's going to be a hero some day."
Lance and Keith shared a smile.
"You here that, Zia? You're going to be a great hero."
Boy, were they right. Not only would Zia someday be a hero, but she would some day bring a time of peace to the universe.

Sorry it's short. It's like 1 AM and I should be asleep, but klance. So yeah. Also Keith is Galra so his genetics are fucked up and he can get preggers. Oops profanity. Enjoy.

Love y'all!

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