part five

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"i love the sound of that last bell." cassie giggles, us both shutting our lockers.

"finally we can leave this shithole."

we walk down the halls, heading for the front of the school, where cassie's mom awaits for us like usual.

"so i heard kat got called up to the office today." cass says.

"no fucking way! probably about the video. she's tried to brush it off when i asked her about it, but i know it's deeper than that."

"yeah because it's her in the fucking sex tape ." cassie nudges me, making us both erupt in laughter.

we continue walking, already out the school building now.

"yo, brianna!" i hear, turning my head.

it's nate.

he stands against his truck, slightly smirking at me.


his hand fiddles around, rubbing against the side.

"let me take you home." he calls out.

i glance over at cassie as she shrugs her shoulders.

"why?" i smirk back, extending out my hip as i stop in place.

"just get in the goddamn truck." he chuckles with his words, making me smile.

i touch cassie's arm, telling her i'll call her later before walking over to nate.

"i guess i could use you for a free ride." i bite my lip, walking around the truck to the passenger door before getting in.

once nates gotten in, he backs us out the school parking lot, getting on the main road.

"so, what's this about jacobs?" i ask him once i realize i don't even think he knows where i live and has yet to ask me for the address.

"i told you we'd work on the project."

i roll my eyes at him, making him grin. i reach forward, turning the radio up, blocking out the silence between us all the way until he pulls into his driveway.

he meets me in the front of the truck, leading the way through his house, up to his room.

he throws his book bag across the room before collapsing in his bed, leaving me standing by the door.

uhh okay. guess we're not working on the
project right away.

i copy him by setting my bag on the ground, making my way to sit on the edge of the bed before looking over to him.

"what did hardin say to you?" he asks after starring at me for a while.

wait what? this is what he wants to talk about?

"nothing i didn't already know." i shrug. he continues starring at me, waiting for more.

"we're done, that's really it. and that we're not getting back together this time." i finish.

"do you, uh, would you get back with him though? like do you want to?" he stutters.

i take a second to truly analyze his question and his reasons for asking. why is he so interested in me, so nice to me? for everyone to call him a dick, he seems pretty chill to me.

"i don't even know. i wanna say no, but it's hard to let someone go when you love them."

"not when he treats you like shit." he says bluntly, yet sternly.

"you're one to talk. from what it seems, you treat maddy just as bad, maybe even worst." i say back.

his face hardens as he looks at me disgusted.

"fuck you." he spits.

i can't help but chuckle even though i know he's actually mad, but did he really just try that shit with me.

"you would, but i won't let you." i say back, his eyes peering up at me.

"you wouldn't be able to handle it."

my head tilts as my eyes shift downward involuntarily. can't see anything when he's wearing jeans, so it's not like i could deny it.

i smack my lips, rolling my eyes as well. "please, you couldn't handle me."

his eyes lock on me as he leans up from his pillow, crawling towards the bottom of his bed where i sit.

his body hovers over me, his hand snaking its way to the back of my neck, under my hair.

his face is inches from me, his other hand lays on my lower back. neither of us say anything, only continue eye contact.

"i bet otherwise." he whispers.

my lips part at the fact that he's so close to me. my eyes glance down at his, making him lick
his own quickly, avoiding dryness.

his body moves more towards me slightly, as he continues leaning in, about to kiss me.

just then my phone goes off, making me jump. i turn my head, looking at the caller ID.

it's rue.

nate notices my distraction, turning my head back towards him with the hand wrapped around the back of my neck, making us as
close as we just were.

my phone dings again, rue still calling.

why would she be blowing me up like this? we just argued in the bathroom yesterday. i didn't think we'd talk again anytime soon.

i pull away from nate completely, grabbing my phone to answer it.


"bri, i-i need you're help." i hear rue cry, panic
in her voice.

i glance up at nate as he watches me talk to her, patiently waiting till i'm finished.

"what's wrong rue?"

"i fucked up bri! i really fucked up. and fez w-won't help me. i don't know w-what to do." she stutters, still crying loudly into the phone.

"what did you do? what happened?" i ask her, trying my best to calm her down.

"i-i kissed jules. i'm really fucking loosing it, i'm having a fucked up day and fez, h-he wouldn't open the door." she pauses, i hear ruffling in the back, i'm guessing she's trying to catch her breath to find the right words.

"i need some fucking drugs bri. tell me you have some goddamn drugs." she finally gets out.

i'm truly takes back by this. rue and i haven't taken drugs together since the day before her overdose.

i contemplate on helping her. i want to, but i mean people go to rehab for a reason, right? i can't just give her drugs because she wants some. she should be learning how to deal
with this shit without them.

"bri? are you gonna fucking help me or not? please!" she yells over the phone.

"i c-can't rue. i can't be the reason for another overdose!" i tell her. i hear the ruffling again, followed by her screaming out of anger.

"fuck you, i fucking hate you, you're such a piece of shit!" she yells again.

"i'm sorry. i wish i could-" i try before she hangs up on me.

i pull the phone away from me, starring at my black phone screen.

"shit." i mumble, my head falling into my hands.

nate sighs loudly, coming back towards me.

"fuck her, she's just taking out her own problems on you." he says, his large hand rubbing against my back.

i peer up at him, smiling at his attempt to comfort me.

"thanks nate."

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