part eight

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"damn girl where have you been?" cassie states, catching me at my locker first thing this morning.

"sorry, i meant to call you back. i just needed
a breather from school." i smile at her.

"that's okay, but hey i just wanted to catch you first because i'm pretty sure there's going to be some major drama today." she says with panic
lingering in her voice.

"what's been going on?"

"maddy is off the top mad because apparently nate told her he's completely done with her because he's moved on." she starts and my eyes go wide.

nate moving on from maddy? that's a new one.

"also hardin has been harassing me and kat about you because of that rumor about you and nate and something about you not texting him back when he asked you about it." she continues.

i stare at cass, knowing i have so much to explain and fill her in on, but now just doesn't seem like the right time. i know i should at least mention nate and i's chat from last night though, just to keep her in the loop.

"yeah, about nate. he's sorta like my-"

the bell rings, throwing me off as i blank out for a second, confused on why i can't think of what i was just about to say.

"uhh, wait i forgot what i was gonna say." i state, shutting my locker.

"text me, i gotta get to latin! love you." she says, walking away with a smile.

i wave to her, blowing her a kiss before starting my way to biology.

i walk in to find kat already sitting down as i make my way to her. "hey girl."

she turns around and i'm completely taken back. she's not wearing her glasses and she's wearing much more makeup then before. her outfit is also tight and snug against her curves, making her look hot as fuck.

"woah, you look different." i say before she can respond to me.

i leave school for two days and this girl has a entire identity crisis.

"i feel different." she states, smiling real big.

i side hug her as she's sitting down before continuing to my seat. nate removes his headphones, glancing up at me.

"hey bri." he says.

i smile down at him before sitting down, throwing my book bag against the floor.

he scoots his chair closer to me, laying his hand against my thigh under the table, which i immediately take notice of.

just then the teacher walks in, starting up the second part of the notes that i've missed from not being here.

"you can borrow mine if you need them." nate mumbles to me and i nod.

the rest of class is a blur, noting interesting happening other than taking notes. finally the bell rings, allowing me to meet up with cassie in history.

soon lunch comes around, me meeting up with cass as we walk to our normal table.

we see maddy already sitting down and i gulp as we sit across from her like normal.

"gross." she mumbles as she looks at me.

"i could say the same about you."

"guys stop it. you guys are good friends and cheer teammates. there's no need to fight over a stupid rumor." cassie intwines.

"it's not a fucking rumor. i know nate, he doesn't just give rides home. they must've done something and the fact that i had to find out from someone else that they saw you leave school with him instead of from you makes it even fucking worst." she says, starring at me.

"oh my god, get over yourself. i didn't fuck him. he's not even-"

"look i know bri, she wouldn't even go near nate in that type of way. you're forgetting her and hardin literally just broke up, she's still in love with him. she's not even thinking about other guys right now." cassie defends me.

i freakin love cass with all my heart and the fact that she knows me so well makes me love her even more.

i truly wasn't looking for anything else with guys, hardin being literally the best boyfriend i've even had, but since that's ended i've really not known what to do with myself. all i do is get high and sleep, so adding nate into this mix is actually making me feel slightly better, like my life isn't just being wasted.

maddy sighs, digging her fork into her salad. she peers up at cassie then shifts to me.

"you promise you didn't sleep with him." she asks.

i nod before holding out my pinkie. "i fucking promise on my life."

i mean technically what happened in the hallway that day wasn't me sleeping with him, plus she doesn't even know about that anyways. i also didn't sleep with him when i went to his house so i'm not lying.

she locks her pinkie around mine before smiling.

"anyways, first cheer practice today for our first game this friday. you bitches excited?" she speaks and i nod.

"most definitely. you guys will not believe the sick new uniforms i managed them to let us get." i smile, happy with my position as cheer captain.

"finally, last year's literally sucked ass. i had a weggie up my ass almost everyday." cassie jokes, making us laugh.

the bell rings again, everyone packing up their stuff. i say goodbye to maddy as me and cass head back to history.


"these are the cutest shit ever." cassie holds up her new uniform i just passed out to everyone.

"you guys dig it? i really wanted us to pop this year." i ask the girls, everyone nodding.

"you're literally my soulmate for adding the sparkles." maddy speaks and i smile.

"everyone go try them on, today's the last day of adjustments." i say, dissmising the team to the locker room.

i even go try mine on again, just to make sure everything fits right when we practice in them today.

i look at myself in the mirror, poking out my lips. i look fucking hot. i grab my bag that has our music cd in it before walking back out to the field, trying to figure out how to work the
new stereo system before the others come back.

i soon hear loud yelling and ruffling, the football team making their way to the field for
their practice as well.

nate leads them as the captain, slowing down as he sees me near the bleachers.

he walks over to me, looking down at the stereo.

"you need help?"

i glance up at him, noticing him and the team practicing in their uniforms today too.

nate looks fine as fuck as a football player and i'm glad his spandex fit even tighter this year.

"no, i think we've got it." maddy intrudes, the girls all taking their places, waiting for me.

she makes a disgusted face at him, her hands then starting to fumble with the stereo herself.

nate smirks over at me just for us to see before he starts running back to his own team.


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