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hi guys! before this
chapter starts, i would
just like to say sorry for all
the spelling mistakes last
chapter! i was tired and i
was just writing as quick as
i can. hope you guys are enjoying
this book. <3

aksel was asked to close up the store on his first day, since sam was running late for his family dinner. alex had stayed at the shop for seven hours, of course he did leave a few times for a break, but not forever.

aksel was packing everything up, and he saw alex in the section with the pianos. aksel took the bold move to talk to him and ask if he was okay.

"hey man, you good? you should probably go eat something." aksel signalled his head to door as to say you can leave now. alex played the 'do re mi' sequence on the piano, then turning his face to aksel.

"it's funny how that's the only thing i can do on piano. useless." alex looked down and shook his head, giving a small chuckle to himself. the quietness that went on for five seconds was interrupted with a stomach rumble. alex groaned and put his hand over his stomach.

"c'mon dude, i'll go buy you something." aksel offered once again, he didn't know alex very well, but seeing anyone like that would make aksel help anybody out.

"no, i want to stay here. its boring anywhere else." alex stood up and grabbed a bass guitar, another instrument he knew absolutely nothing about, but at least more than a piano. he started to play a tune from adventure time. "hm."

aksel was starting to notice how stubborn and quiet he actually was, he put his hands on alex's to stop the tune. "do you want chinese food to be ordered here?" aksel seemed to intimidate the smaller boy, but alex stayed emotionless and dead.

"no thanks, i'm not hungry." alex walked away from aksel with the bass guitar still in his hand. "sorry i'm not made of sugar, am i not sweet enough for you?" is what alex sang as he continued to follow the tune with his fingers.

aksel knew the song since he watched his cartoons every single day, that was one of his favourite adventure time songs. he must admit, even if he doesn't like alex right now, he fell in love with alex's soft voice. he wondered how something like that can come so naturally, while aksel himself sounds like a dying goat or an angry russian.

"what do you want?" aksel walked up behind alex and the other turned around, he smiled and went on his tiptoes to whisper in his ear.

"i want you."

"wait, what-"

"nah, bro. i'm kidding. that's a bit gay, don't you think?" alex chuckled and put the instrument back where he found it. aksel was so confused about the boy, being around his aura made him feel frustrated. "let's play a game, 21 questions. i'm bored as hell. i mean, i don't even know how to play but let's just ask questions to each other."

aksel chuckled, "i don't know how to play either," he admitted. he was never the type to play those types of party games, i mean he was never invited to parties anyway. alex brought two stools for them to sit on.

"okay, first question, where you from?" alex got right into the game, "wait, you're german. or scottish?" he was interrupting aksel from saying the actual answer, but then decided to shut up.

"i'm from estonia, what about you? you look thai." aksel said nonchalantly, alex put his hands up and made a face saying he was weirded out.

"a lot of people mistake me for being asian, but i'm mexican." is what came out of his mouth. aksel did the same thing alex did before and was very surprised. alex chuckled. "alright next question. are you dating anyone?"

"nah. you?"

"nah. wanna date bro?"

aksel smiled and with a slight hue of pink hair on his face. he knew alex was kidding, but still had the feeling of pure happiness. "sure, dude."

alex wheezed, "oh my god! are you blushing?" alex had said in the most rich & spoiled california girl voice he could do. aksel couldn't do anything but sit there and smile, laughing awkwardly. alex then stopped laughing very suddenly, "oh shit, you are."

"next question!" aksel protested. "why are you always here? at this shop?" aksel got intrigued in what the boy was going to say. alex took a deep breath, he was really tired and didn't want to answer anything after he asked that particular question.

"i don't know. i just like the thought of spending my time in a small little shop doing something i love. it's a way to escape. my life is actually perfectly fine, but sometimes i just want to be in my own world." alex sighed and aksels expression was emotionless.

"that's cool. at least you don't wanna kill yourself, that's all i was really afraid of." aksel spoke like he was speaking to his mum or something, and shrugged.

"bitch, no. death is what i am afraid of. i'm one of the few people who actually wanna be immortal." alex shaked his hands vigorously, aksel scooted closer to him.

"i know this sounds kind of homo, but your singing voice is really nice and relaxing. you can seriously be famous one day. the song you were just singing from adventure, i'm just your problem, sounded so amazing with your voice." alex was now the one to have pink hue spread all across his cheeks, and just like a cartoon, alex jumped out and checked his watch.

"damn, look at the time! i gotta get home! see you again, aksel!" alex ran out of the store through the back, he didn't really like being someone who goes all uwu mode after one compliment.

when alex left, all aksel said to himself was damn, he's cute.

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