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aksel woke up at 10 am to get ready for his new  job. he never bothers to get breakfast in the morning, so he just took a shower and put some clothes on that he only wear when he goes out, like his hawaiian shirt.

he decided to take an uber to sam's music shop  because he knew that driving himself there would make him lose all his energy, he is very tired and wanted to fall asleep in the uber.

after 40 minutes, aksel had arrived at his new workplace. he walked in; the doorbell on top of him rang and he had to duck down a bit, just in case he hit his head. his immediately saw his friend on the counter, changing the music that was playing in the shop.

"aye, you're ten minutes early! what a surprise!" sam said in an italian/mario-like accent. aksel had to say he was pretty proud of himself getting up so early. usually, he'd still be in bed by ten am.

"shut up bitch, i'm always early!" aksel didn't need to add any dramatic effects to his voice, since it already sounded like that. sam made a face that looks like saying 'bitch what' but obviously made out of sarcasm.

sam laughed and pulled out a trolley full of about 100 vinyls. "ok, bitch, well you can just start now. i'm gonna get you to sort out my new vinyls according to genre. i gotta go order some new things, so if you need help, i'll be in the office." sam said as he was basically moonwalking to his office.

aksel chuckled and took the trolley. aksel kind of took a long time to sorting and cleaning. because he would first try to find all vinyls of each genre and stack them up and then put them where they were, instead of putting them one at a time whenever he just pulled them out of his ass.

he was whistling a tune to one of his favourite songs by the beatles, he didn't really like the beatles, if he got one of their vinyls he would probably piss on it, but he did like some of their songs.

right when he was done with about half of them, he heard the doorbell ring and his head shot up. he looked behind him, seeing a boy about his age, dressed like an emo 12 year old, except not really at all emo. wearing a beanie and an adidas jumper with cheap ass jeans, that's emo, right?

when aksel saw him, he thought it was really cute. but like, aksel is bisexual and thinks everyone is really cute, so it's normal if he feels like that. he saw the boy strolling to the guitar section, and aksel quickly ran up to him. "hi! may i help you with anything?" aksel said this purely because he thought this is what you were supposed to do in a job.

the boy giggled and aksel stood there confused, but also thought it was again, cute, when the boy giggled and hid his mouth with his whole hand. "you must be new here." aksel nodded and the boy looked up and down at him, "you look nice. you'll be seeing me a lot." before he left, he patted the boy on the head and was messing up his hair as like someone would do to a dog.

aksel was very frustrated on what just happened, so he just went back to doing his original job. he was singing 'Hey Ya' by outkast to himself because he thinks songs like that are humorous and it helps through boring times like this.

when singing, he suddenly stopped when he heard a tune. it was coming from the guitar section. he peeked and saw the boy from before playing a guitar from the store display, it was pretty loud, singing "my happy little pill, take me away.." .

hey, i know that song! aksel thought to himself, he doesn't know why he was so excited over knowing a song he knew, but he just was. he kept watching for about fifteen more seconds, damn, not to be gay but he looks so much more attractive when playing the guitar.

although, he didn't know if he could play the stores guitars or not, so he quickly went to sam's office to ask. he opened the door and sam's head popped out from his computer. "yo, sam, there's a boy out there playing guitar and i just want to know if-" "ah, i see you've met alex."

"don't worry, he didn't tell me his name at first either," sam said going back to his computer and then looking back at aksel, giving the best smirk he can. "why won't you go talk to him? he comes in here a lot, he's gotta get used to seeing your ugly face."

"um, excuse me, bitch? what did you say?" aksel snapped his fingers and put one hand on his hip, imitating a sassy 16 year old. sam looked at him in an angry boss type of way.

"don't talk to me like that, or i'll get you fired!" he said that sarcastically but he lowered his tone and sent a soft smile to his friend, "just go talk to him. he's pretty soft and honestly needs a friend, his parents work a lot and don't have time for him."

aksel thought about it. he lived alone with only sam as his best friend, so he really related to alex. if he was in alex's position, he thought he'd want a friend too. "okay, i'll do it." aksel have a grin and sam put his thumbs up for good luck.

aksel left the office, noticing that no one was watching the store for the two minutes he was gone, but luckily, no one was there and alex was still where he was. aksel pretended that he was doing something important for a few seconds so he didn't seem suspicious and then walked up to alex.

"hi! um, do you need any help or you still good?" aksel said to the boy once more, and alex turned around and smirked, giving the softest chuckle aksel has ever heard.

"which one do you think is the best acoustic guitar out of all these?" alex waved his hand across all the guitars and aksel looked at them all, then looked back at guitar he was holding.

"well, according to my research, the only you're holding is the most expensive in the store, so it must be the best, right?" aksel gave a soft smile and alex smiled back. "i'm aksel."

"i'm alex." alex gave out his hand to shake and aksel took it and shook it vigorously as a joke. they both laughed quietly. "and you're right, this is the best guitar in the store. to me, at least."

"so why don't you buy it?" aksel asked, alex immediately bursted out laughing and said "yeah, right! i have seven dollars in my bank account. it's not gonna happen, dude." aksel nodded his head as to agree or say 'bitch, i'm poor too!'

"and, aksel, you better get back to work before sam kills you. but just before you do, i really need to fix you hair, i think i messed it up." alex got up on his tip toes and stuck his tongue out as to concentrate. he fixed aksels pieces of hair sticking out, aksel felt kinda weird that his face was that close to his, but surprisingly felt like he liked it. "done!"

"thanks, dude. it was nice to meet you alex." aksel walked away backwards while giving the type of captain gesture to alex.

"nice to meet you, aksel."

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