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Hey guys!

I was on leave, thought to give u all an OS...

It's my first ever attempt to OS... Hope it doesn't turn to ff...

Let's see...


Scene opens in the court where a case proceedings were going on...

And the two lawyers were seen arguing at some point...

One was a young and beautiful lady in a pink Saree with black coat... She is none other than ragini...

The other one was a young man in his early thirties...
He was none other than Sahil kapoor...

(hehe... He is not laksh! )

The judge was analysing something and ragini drinks water as she was shouting all this while...

And her eyes fall on an inspector smiling at a girl and talking to her...

She fists her hand... And glares him... He too sees her and glares back...

Judge asks ragini to cross examine the witnesses....

She smirks and calls one by one...

And next she calls the same police she was glaring a while back...

That handsome man stands in that box...

She smirks at him and goes to him...

"ur name? "

"u know it..."

"just answer to what I ask "
She shouts...

"laksh... Laksh maheshwari.
DYSP. of this constituency "

"good... "

"r u married...? " she asks raising her eyebrow...

Laksh turns to judge... "sir this is irrelevant... "

"it is relevant Mr. Maheshwari! " she shouts.

"what the hell! "

"han ya nahi... "

"han... "

"good...Since when? "

He rolls his eyes...
"2 years..."

"2 years?..." she raises her eyebrows...

"love or arranged? "

Now everyone looks at her confused...

The opposite lawyer shouts..

"ur honour! The public prosecuter is misleading the case... "

"I am asking relevant questions only Mr. Kappor"

The judge too smiles... "objection over ruled..."

"thank u ur honour... "she smirks and turns back to laksh...

"u didn't answer... "

"wo wo...Love cum arranged marriage "

", u love ur wife very much! "

He glares her while she glares back...

"miss public prosecutor, may I know how this is all relevant..?" he shouts...

"it is relevant Mr. DYSP...
U r married since 2 years.
That too to the love of ur life...

And why the hell u were flirting with that girl since the session started... " she shouts back...

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