Chapter 10

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Your body jolted as soon you twitched. It was around afternoon. Probably around 11 am. You soon felt a strong weight on your waist. Only to see an arm warped around your small form. You looked behind to see Arthur's arm on you. You then yelped and pushed him off the bed forcing him off the bed, Making a loud thump on the floor.

"W-What the hell?!"

"You know what Arthur sleeping next to me and putting your arms around me like I'm a teddy bear!"

"I-I'm sorry I didn't-"

"Ugh, forget it let's leave"

You stood up stretched out your back and every bones that cracked with relief. It was exhausting to going around and getting across the bridge.

Arthur pushes the door opened which lead to the same path the took you both towards the elevator. There stood the same Bobby who escorted you both.

"May I express my delight that you passed the extermination sir. We've not had as many as we've hoped sir, not many at all. And yet they say the unexamined life is not worth living. Well, sir and ma'am. Welcome back! Oh, and, Incase your rustication has been of long duration please bear in mind there is now a nocturnal curfew. Best be indoors after night falls sir"

You both walked into the elevator. As Arthur mumble under his breath making the Bobby not being able to hear him buy doesn't mean that you couldn't.

"If I want him to bugger off, I bet a nice bottle of scotch would help"

While pressing the button the elevator went up. You just hoped it wasn't another test.
But instead the small group of people in the floor you and Arthur were. There stood the sign that said welcome home. Along with people celebrating for both of your return.

'Okay act like you're on joy pill'

You walked exactly like how Arthur did. The people with mask on there faces were clapping and some dancing around in circles. As you both were able to walkout without people noticing.

As the exit you saw it. Everything was different from last time you were here. But it wasn't like you've imagined. Everything was chaotic but people with joy pills are ignoring the society. Like ignoring the real world and so depending on a pathetic joy pill.

But to you at least it was more pleasant than the one you were before. You couldn't contain yourself any longer your finally here. But getting off the island was your top priority.

No one was around and just a small village was up head the small path.

"So from here. I've got to get to St. Gorges holm and then into the parade"

You were silent. You didn't reply it was too much but you needed to control yourself but you can't.

"(Y/n) are you alright"

He noticed how your fist was clenching. Along with shaking. He was about to put his hand on your shoulder but instead a full force of your body embracing him. You wrapped your arms around him. Your heat beating miles away. And finally a true smile on your face.

"THANK YOU! Thank you! thank you!"

You said like a million times. He was stunned but was smiling. He was about to say something but you interrupted.

"You have no idea how long I wanted to leave that hellhole. Thank you so much Artie you would've done it without you!"

"I-it's my pleasure (Y/n) but we need to get to George holm but you need to take some joy pills"

You groaned.

"Really I hate taking those bloody pills"

"Please only for us to blend in"

He went to the telephone and took some random flavored joy pill. You took it anyway only for the sake of getting out of here.
For sure the atmosphere changed quickly there were as what joy pills would work making you what you expected. Your fake smile blurred your memories but as soon it wears off. You both walked to the small village that had some Telly's on the street but hung on like signs. You felt as if eyes were on you, you really needed some to help you at least. You then had an idea but would it be worth it and people noticing.

"Um Arthur?"

"What is it?"

"Can I hold you..I'm not really well with people staring"

He offered his arm at you which you took. Of course it made everyone to look at you both. You went close to his arm for comfort and wrapping around him like a vine. You both continued walking around the place and blended right in and along with Arthur's greeting's towards people.

After turning corner after corner you both stopped at an building. The windows were blocked off with wood. As the colorful paints were fading away from the brick wall.

"Looks like the old printing office is pretty well buttoned up. I wonder if there's a way in the back?"

'It's so much different after those 2 years'

You both entered the alleyway while closing the door behind you. But there were two people that were talking. A woman with a white dress like and black like tights under her.

"Y'know What? Never mind next week?"

You stopped your tracks so did Arthur. She turned towards you and Arthur.

"Arthur? Arthur Hastings?"

'Sally Bollie'

"Lovely day for it"

You remembered her clearly. You two worked together before until she grew distant to you and left you alone with-

"Don't you 'Lovely day for it' me you idiot it's me..sally. I knew it was you! I mean the glasses, the hair-"

She pry him away from you by slipping her hands where yours was. You felt her almost force you to let go which you did but it almost hurt...almost. You just stood there in the back eavesdropping what their saying but you didn't want to stick around with them that much.


He turned back at you humming in response.

"I'll be outside if you need me"

You opened the door and leaned against the wall watching the people walking up and down the colorful road as if it was the wizard of oz. but today felt lonely like it was. You could barley hear anything. Your satchel was long gone but you still had your photo. It wasn't anything special but only just a place you wanted to go. It was warn out but the image still there.

You didn't noticed but the group of men were about to bust down the door where Arthur was.

'You've got to be kidding me'

You blocked their path. Which they gave you oddly look on you.

"Evening boys, seem to be-"

"What you doing in our way love?"

"Well firstly isn't it rude not to greet someone?"

"Your in our way"

"And your disrupting me"

"Wait a minute"

'Goddamn you Arthur where are you when I need you!'

"(Y/n) is that you?"


"Well last time i saw you, you were being chased out!"

"..well that's in the past"

"But I remember we had unfinished business"

"Look I may have tricked you but for the greater or better right"

"How about we enter there and deal with this now shall we love"


They muffled your mouth which they kicked down the door where Arthur was. Right when they did Arthur put his hands up in surrender. But spotted you immediately being in the hands of them.

'This is better than I imagined coming back to the village'

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