Okay so this story will be mainly focus on Dragon Ball Z and super so here's the laydown for the original Dragon Ball.
Pilaf Saga
First since Gine and Bardock are around Grandpa Gohan is still alive Goku will be smarter (albeit not Bulma and Gohan smart but smart to understand most things) thanks to Gine homeschooling him and Raditz he and Raditz would be a bit stronger.
Kid Goku's pl: 80
A/n: Not sure what Raditz power level was so i'll be mainly focusing on Goku's power level and other important characters.
Goku and his family meet Bulma the same way only difference Gohan is still alive and Goku knows what a car is but still throws it out of anger at Bulma hitting him and then shooting him. Bardock and Gine tell Bulma what they are and what they're doing here Goku also knows about Frieza since his parents and brother told him. Both the brothers travel with Bulma they still meet Oolong but along the way the pickup two other guys Nappa and Vegeta just living like hermits i living peacefully on earth got rid of their blood lust but not their personalities and itch for a fight. They still meet Yamcha and Puar, Ox king and Chichi (only Goku being more smarter blushing as well when Chichi ask if he's ever going think about her.) and Master Roshi. They still meet the Pilaf gang they still get captured but Goku goes great ape but Raditz and the other saiyans knock him out.
A/n: Since they knocked him out Goku still has his tail.
Raditz flys back home but offers to train with Yamcha sometimes which Yamcha accepts. Bulma offers Vegeta and Nappa to stay at capsule corp they agree with Vegeta saying "It would be good to sleep on a bed instead of a damn rock." Goku takes the nimbus and goes to find Roshi to train him.
Tournament Saga
It pretty much goes the same only difference is Goku will a BIT stronger and so will Krillin and Yamcha thanks to training with Goku and Raditz.
Goku's Pl: 92
Krillin Pl: 62
Yamaha Pl: 59
Krillin and Roshi would know Goku's family origin cause he told them. Raditz would meet launch (i have no idea how old Launch is so in here I'm going to make her the same age as Raditz)
The fights go the same only Raditz annihilates his opponent with ease.
Goku goes against Roshi but actually manages to win which worries Roshi until Goku goes against Raditz in the final round which Raditz easily knocks Goku out of the ring making Goku understand that he still needs to get stronger and that there is always someone better.
Red Ribbon Army Saga
This is still the same Goku's on his own through most of it (btw Vegeta hasn't really been training that much cause he hasn't fought Goku yet and he thinks there's no one to challenge him in the whole world so let's just say his powers dropped a bit like Gohan's but he will.) Only difference Goku takes advantage of his zenkai boost and kind of curbstomps the whole army and still trains with Korrin for help with mercenary tao. Also when Bulma went with Goku and Krillin Vegeta went to doesn't fight but is impressed by Goku's fighting style and tells him he'll fight him when he's stronger.
Goku's Pl: 160
Skiping the Baba saga
Tien Shinhan Saga
The same only this time Goku is stronger than Tien but enjoys the fight to see what Tien can do Krillin and Yamcha are stronger to and Bardock tells Raditz not enter the tournament this time to see how far Goku/Kakarot has come. Vegeta and Bulma are in a relationship so is Launch and Raditz.
Goku's Pl: suppressed: 180, full power: 205
Krillin: 176
Yamcha: same as Krillin's
So Yamcha doesn't get his leg broke and makes Tien struggle against him but is knocked out of bounds.
King Piccolo Saga
Instead of Krillin going to get his power pole Gohan will offer to go get it. Goku will feel his grandpa in trouble and find Gohan dead the others show up Raditz like Goku is devastated so was Gine while Bardock is seething in both sadness and anger. Goku would still run off and this time though he is weakened from hunger his power is still above tambourine's and kills him but passes out from exhaustion and hunger and he still meet Yajirobe.
Everything plays out basically the same Roshi dying, Piccolo getting his youth back. Only difference is Raditz along with Nappa and Vegeta are flying around beating all the escaped criminals while Tien still confronts Piccolo. Then Bardock shows up and shows Piccolo that he's clearly outclassed but then Goku shows up stronger than before and tells him this is his fight. Bardock backs off while smiling proudly at Goku's spirit. Piccolo thinks it will be an easy win like before but Goku ends up curb stomping him and killing him the same way he did in the original and Piccolo jr is still born. And Goku revives Grandpa Gohan.
Goku's PL: 350
Piccolo Jr Saga
Everyone's power
Goku's: (weighted) 645 (without) 945
Vegeta: (suppressed) 650 (full power) 940
Krillin: 460
Yamaha: 457
Tien: 458
Piccolo jr: (weighted) 500 (without) 640
Raditz: (suppressed) 643 (full power) 939
When Goku meets Chichi he doesn't recognize her cause she not the same cowardly girl in battle armor. Also Goku has been visiting Chichi a lot during his adventures and got to know her.
The fights go the same Goku defeats Piccolo, Raditz and Vegeta try to kill him but Goku tells them to let him live Piccolo leaves. The final match is between Goku and Vegeta which is like Z Vegeta gets frustrated and charges up a Galik Gun not to blow up earth but the ring (Goku still can't fly) so he has two choices dodge or use a Kamehameha (we all know which one he chooses) he blast Vegeta out of bounds and is declared the world martial arts champion him and Chichi get married as usual and that's how it ends (dramatically) FOR NOW!
Okay guys I'm going to take a break for a while like until the 7th of September when i come back I'm going to be working on this story more than Kill la kill and Fairy Tail but don't worry i won't forget until then.
Dragon Ball DxZ (Prequel)
AdventureAlternate Universe i do not own Dragon ball Dragon ball Z Gt Super or Masakox's what ifs.