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"NO!!! PLEASE STOP, YOU'RE HURTING ME!!!" I scream, but my cries go ignored. The skelescientist has an evil grin as he injects syringe into me. "Let's try a bit of determination~"

I feel myself blank out, and I start to dream. I don't look like myself anymore. Face structure wise, I'm the same, but my skin is pale and I have white hair with H/C tips, along with black eyes and white, O shaped pupils with some F/C at the bottom of the O's.

My lips are a very pale pink and I'm wearing a F/C hoodie with a fish fin on the hood. I have on basketball shorts and some F/C sneakers. What happened, and where am I?

I jolt up out of bed. Gaster's there and he's jotting down some notes. "Hm, experiment success, unlike the amalgamates. Looks prettier too. E/N, how do you feel?"

Crossing my arms at his insult of my former body, I say "Like garbage, but what's it to you?" He sighs. "Still sassy as ever. Wait, speak, E/N."

"Why should I," I say, but quickly gasp as I listen to my voice. Gaster grins and says "90 Stars BRK." I see my speech and it's in a picture font! What he just said must be the name!

As I talk, I hear a little twinkle under my voice, like how his makes weird squiggly sounds, but you can still hear his voice. I gasp when I notice M/C hands floating next to me and signing, just like his.

He nods and jots a few things down. "This was a successful experiment. You may return to your cell." I sigh and walk back to my cell, knowing he'll track my hand plate if I go elsewhere.

I notice he has two skeletons in a cell. 1-S and 2-P, he calls them. I wonder how they got here. Two kids, two... holes in his hands, did he make them instead of kidnapping!?!

After thinking, I walk up to them. "Hey, can you guys talk?" The shorter one takes a step back, but the taller one runs up. "HI! I'M 2-P! ARE YOU
E/N?" I nod and notice his font is Papyrus.

"Hey, can I call you Papyrus?" I ask. The shorter one walks over. "So you're an experiment too? Why Papyrus?" I point at them. "Papyrus and Comic Sans, Sans for short. Your font. Mine would be Stars, but I go by Y/N, not
E/N like he calls me."

They think for a second. "I LIKE IT!" Papyrus says. Sans grins. "Cool name, bro. You're the coolest." Papyrus poses. "I SUPPOSE I AM VERY GREAT!"

I giggle and wave. "Better get going or he'll find me out of my cell!" I walk back to my cell, which is across from theirs. I realize I'm not wearing that fish hoodie outfit in my dream, but a green gown like all the other experiments. Aw, I liked that outfit!

Gaster walks past us and goes to another cell, and he ends up carrying out a sleeping human child. "Don't hurt them," I whisper. He pushes his glasses up and smirks. "What will you do?" He asks smugly.

My head's the only thing that looks like a human even slightly now, so I try to pop off my arm, which is painless. "I'll just leave my arm here, huh?" Gaster smirks. "Clever one," He says before walking off.

Gaster leaves, and I talk to the skeletons. "Are you two brothers?" Sans says "I guess, he made us from his hands and says we could consider ourselves that." I pump my fist. "My theory was correct!"

I then look around and whisper "I have an escape plan. You know there's an outside world?" Their eyes widen. "Really?" Sans asks. I nod. "He didn't make me, he took me from my family. I had two sisters and an older brother."

Papyrus makes a puppy dog face. "HOW SAD!" He whispers loudly. I frown at the memory and nod. "Papyrus, toss me your hand," I say. "Why?" Sans asks suspiciously.

I answer "Since he made you two, you have some of his DNA, so the door should unlock to your hand, not mine. Papyrus's hand is the same size as Gaster's, so it should work." Sans seems offended that I just insulted his baby hands.

Papyrus takes off his arm and tosses it over. I put it on the the scanner and my cell unlocks. I then use the code I memorized when I watched Gaster unlock their cell and opened it.

Suddenly, I get hit with a memory. "We gotta go fast, or he'll track us." I unlock as many occupied cells as I can, and I run for the elevator. We cram in a bunch of people and go up. "You guys wait, the elevator will come back down. Top floor!"

We arrive at the top floor, and we all stand there in wait for the other people. I hear a bing, and I take a step back as I see Gaster exit the elevator.

"You really are to clever for your own good sometimes, E/N," he says. I stand up straight. "What are you gonna do?" I ask. He smirks and pushes someone into the abyss below. The core, I think I heard him say. "AHHHHHH!" They let out a bloodcurdling scream.

I shout "STOP!" But he keeps pushing. Sans quickly pushes him off from behind, and he yells and falls. It's only Sans, Papyrus and I.

Then everything goes fuzzy and I black out.

Bonehead (SansxReader)Where stories live. Discover now