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I end up in a disclosed location in Waterfall and summon my soul. It's
M/C like usual, except it's all cracked all over and looks like it could shatter any second now.

My theme starts playing as my ringtone, which sounds like a mix of Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans and Home. It's called Iridescence. (Anyone wanna be cool and compose and post this to YouTube? Probably not. Doesn't actually exist.)

I let it ring and ring, and soon I fall asleep in this little cave.

When I wave up, I'm in a bed. I walk out and see I'm in a house. Papyrus is in the kitchen. "OH! HELLO, HOW ARE YOU FEELING?" I put my hand on my head. I've got a headache, but I say "I making pretty great. Where's Sans?"

Papyrus points to a room. "NYEH, SOMEHOW IT'S ALREADY A MESS IN THERE!" I giggle. "That's Sans for ya," I say. I then go back in my room and look around.

It's decorated with furnishings that are all different shade of F/C, and the wardrobe is full of copies of my same outfit. I smile and sling and empty backpack with just my phone and an almost empty wallet in it.

"Papyrus, I'm gonna explore," I say. He says "COME BACK BEFORE NIGHTTIME!" I then exit and go explore Snowdin.

It's not long before my stomach begins to growl, so I go into the shop. "Oh! Hello there, how can I help you?" A bunny lady with a southern accent asks. I smile and ask "Can I have a Cinnamon Bunny?"

She smiles and gives it to me. I give her the G and she says "Come back again soon!"

I see the librarby, so I go in and begin to read up on the history of the underground and people. Surprisingly, in the whole day, I manage to read all the books in the librarby.

It's late, so I head back home. "Where's Sans?" I ask Papyrus as I look around. "HE FOUND A BAR CALLED GRILLBY'S, CAN YOU PICK HIM UP?"

I nod and head over to the bar I noticed before. I see Sans drinking some ketchup and talking to a fire man. I sit next to him.

"Hey, can I have some fries?" I ask, and the fire man gets my order. I look over to Sans. "How long have you been here?" I ask him.

Sans grins and says "All day, why?" I frown. "Did you drink anything?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Maybe tomorrow," he says. I chuckle and shake my head. "You bonehead," I say.

The fire man comes back with my order. "Thanks, you're Grillby, right?" He nods. "Nice to meet ya, Grillbz, I'm Y/N." He nods and if you look close enough, you can tell he's smiling.

I eat the food. "This is really good!" I compliment, and I can tell he's smiling again. I then turn to Sans. "What exactly did you do here all day?" I ask.

He grins and says "Comedy." He then starts telling jokes to everyone in the bar, getting a ton of laughs.

After the laughter dies down, I pick up Sans bridal style and flick a coin at Grillby, which he catches with one hand. "Thanks Grillbz, seeya tomorrow!"

Sans is looking up at me and blushing, and I teleport us back to the house. We are then greeted by a fish lady, a yellow lizard, and Papyrus, and I'm still holding him.

I quickly blush and set him down. "Uh
...hi, I'm Y/N." The fish lady noogies me and says "NICE TO MEET YOU PUNK! I'M UNDYNE! AND HEYA SANS!" The lizard walks over and shakes my hand. "H-hi, I'm Alphys. Nice t-to meet you. D-do you like science?"

That's when I feel my eye lights disappear for a split second and I see Alphys shuffle back the tiniest bit. I flash my classic smile and say "Yeah, you The Royal Scientist?" She nods nervously.

I blink and grin. "Cool, you should show me around your lab." Sans raises a hand. "Me too," he says. I smirk at him. "Since when did the punmaster like science?"

He smirks and says "Since when didja not know?" I cross my arms and poke his cheek. "Whatever, dude," I say. I hear Alphys squeak "N-New OTP!!!"

All of us spend time meeting each other and getting to know one another. Undyne's Papyrus's cooking coach, and Alphys is her best bud, aka obvious crush.

Soon enough, it's bed time and they leave after exchanging phone numbers. "So, Papy, what did you do all day?" I ask. He poses and says "I SPENT ALL DAY MAKING A GOOD IMPRESSION OF MYSELF!!!"

I wince. "Ohhh...that's nice, Papyrus. I'm feeling kinda tired, why don't I head to sleep? Night guys."

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