Unexpected (Naruto's POV)

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                 I've felt this feeling before, so why is it so surprising now? That now every time I look at Sasuke, I get an excited, and weird feeling. Like the one I had for Sakura, but this one is different. It's more strong somehow. When Sasuke got done wrapping the bandages around my waist, he looked flushed. His face was RED. "Sasuke, what's wrong?" "Huh? What do you mean?" "Your face is red. Are you OK? Are you sick?" "Yeah, I'm fine." I couldn't tell if that was true or not, 'cause when he said he was fine, he looked even more red. 

                 "You should probably get home, Sasuke. I don't want you to have to stay here any longer. Plus, I only have one bed, and you probably don't want to sleep on the hard-wood floor." "OK, then. Bye, Dobe." "Later, teme." the second I said that something weird happened. He leaned in, and our lips totally connected. I didn't understand... why is this happening? Our lips parted, and I couldn't help but look surprised. "W-what was that for? What- why- when- HUH?" "Sorry, it was a reaction! I didn't mean to do that, and it will never happen again, I swear!" I hate to say that he's cute when he's embarrassed. He rushed out the door, 50 more shades of red than he already was. I'm seriously concerned. What is happening?

                Everything was weird the next day. Sasuke came in the morning to change my bandages. He didn't speak at all. Yeah, awkward silences aren't really my favorite. "Hey, teme." still nothing. "Um, helloooo?" silence, again. "Why aren't you talking, Sasuke? Is it because of what happened yesterday? Look, it's ok, I actually didn't mind it." "What?" oops. "N-nothing." man, I bet I blushed harder than ever. Saying stuff like THAT isn't easy, but I managed to get it out. On ACCIDENT. "Well... if we're being honest... I meant to do that." wHaT????? "U-umm... can I ask why?" "Stupid dobe... it's 'cuz I like you. Isn't that what normal people do when the have a crush?" "Well, I've never liked anybody but Sakura and you, so I don't know." I really didn't. And I don't know what you do when you DO have a crush. So maybe what he did was normal. I'm so used to having Sakura, Ino, and other girls fangirl over Sasuke that I guess I never paid attention to my feelings, or his feelings. I don't know how to express it now that all of the girls are away.

                 "I think I'm ready for training again." "Uh, no you're not. You're going to stay here, dobe." "That's no fair. I mean, how come I can't go, but you can?" "Because you're hurt, and you can't move." "Yeah I can!" I got up to prove that I could walk around, And I made few dopplegangers so I can prove that I can still do ninjutsu. "Now, let's go! I already showed you that I can move and fight, so let's go to training!" "OK, fine. But let's change your bandages first." it's nice to know that he cares, at least. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He finished changing my bandages, but then he paused. "If you don't like it... punch me out of the way." "Why-" and just like that, he pulled me in, and our lips connected. This time, I didn't want to back out. I completely gave in. When we parted, he grabbed my hand. "It's still early, so I don't think Kakashi or Sakura are there yet."

                 We got to our usual meeting area, but this time it felt a little awkward. Me and Sasuke were all alone. "You know, there's not many different things between us." I looked at him, he looked at me. I thought about it a little bit, and then I realized that all the times I've looked at him, he has NEVER hung out with people. He's always just getting ran over by girls going gaga for him. "Yeah..." I'm like that, too. Well, besides girls going crazy over me. That doesn't happen. But we're both lonely. But now I have that pushed out away. I have someone who cares about me.

                  When Sakura got here, she didn't say anything. She stopped walking entirely, and just starred at me. "Um... Naruto... what are you doing here?" I looked at Sasuke, and he looked at me, then we both looked at Sakura. "Especially with Sasuke! Why are you here together? Isn't Naruto hurt?" I look at Sasuke as if telling him to speak for me. "Naruto can heal just as well as you can, Sakura." "But the thing I'm concerned about is why you guys are here together!" "Because I had to change his bandages. It's really none of your business, anyways." "But-" "You heard him, Sakura." she looked shocked, but then she starred at the ground, all depressed looking. 

                 Kakashi came in his weird smoke thingy. He looked up from his book for a second. "Well, this is unusual. Welcome back, Naruto." "Thank y-" "Anyways, good morning, class. We're going to be sparring again, so be ready. Sasuke, you're with me. Sakura and Naruto, you two go against each other. Begin." I get up with Sakura, and she looks as snobby as ever. "Naruto, if you hurt Sasuke back at your house, I will throw a kunai at your head!" "Good luck with that. I can easily dodge it. Plus, you're probably gonna do that anyway. When it comes to Sasuke, your the heaviest brick on the wall." I look up at her, and she looks MAD. "I will RUN YOU OVER, Naruto!" jeez, she's the scariest living being on this planet. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Still don't know anything about sparring!! 

               I beat Sakura, in case you were wondering. Fighting Sakura is boring, in my opinion. "You've gotten stronger, Naruto. I'm surprised." "Why are you surprised?" "'Cuz you used to not be like this." "Well, I was at least better than you." Sasuke and Kakashi came back over, and Sasuke came to me. "Ready to get your butt kicked, dobe?" "Shut up, teme! That's gonna be you." "Yeah, right." I just looked at him. He just smiled back. "By the way, this time we're going to my house." "Why your house?" "Because it's not a garbage can like yours, you dobe!" "Hey, it's not a garbage can!" we sat there, starring at each other kinda angry like, but then we started to smirk. It transformed in to us bursting out laughing, and I think it was about the best time of my life. I just wonder what he's thinking right now...


Author's note:

Hey, guys!! SOOO..... there are some parts that get a little sappy, and even I think so. But I'm too lazy to fix it right now. Plus, this is my first story on Wattpad, so I'm still learning. But... I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and better yet, I hope your DREAMS COME TRUE!! Bye, Stars!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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