The Trip

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They were kissing.
Marinette didn't know how to react, well she couldn't anyways it's not like she was dating Adrien.
She was jealous. So jealous that she walked up to them both without relizing what she was doing.
Alya how could you, you knew I liked him and you even encouraged me!.Marinette said slightly shouting.
Alya rolled her eyes while Adrien looked away feeling bad.
Well it's not my fault you didn't have the confidence to make a move. Alya said.
Alya's thoughts
*I don't want to admit it but I was a bit harsh to Mari*
*I was going to say something but she walked awake before I could.*

Marinette's thoughts
*Well she isn't wrong but it still hurt especially since it had to be Alya*

Marinette rushed back to Luke not saying anything.
Sis you alright? Luke asked.
Yea i'm fine she responded.
The truth was deep down Marinette was hurting. Alot.
The siblings headed home and started packing for their big day tomorrow.
(7:09 AM in China)
Can you believe it Tom after 14 years we get to see our baby girl again! Sabine said.
I know dear but I just hope she will forgive us sometime.
I'm sure she will after all it was for her protection.Sabine responded.
(11:09 AM Back in Paris at School)
I have great news everyone the results for the competition came in. Marinette won us the trip to China! Sadly she will not be attending. Miss Bustier said.
Everyone was excited.
We will be leaving on Saturday and returning on Wednesday afternoon.
      *With Marinette*
Mama! I'll be back later i'm going shopping for a dress.
Okay sweetie be back in an hour and be safe. Destiny said.
(Time skip 12:20 PM)
Luke and Marinette had said their goodbyes to their parents and were on their way to the airport.
Once they had arrived they got on the plane.It was their first time flying first class Marinette was definitely impressed, Luke not so much.
Woah it's beautiful. Marinette said.
Ehh needs a bit more color Luke responded.

Ehh needs a bit more color Luke responded

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Marinette flopped onto the bed/chair and fell into a deep slumber

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Marinette flopped onto the bed/chair and fell into a deep slumber.
Luke had went to the bar area.
He had aten so much food that he couldn't even move from his position.
                         (6 Hours Later)
Marinette had woken up to the flight attendant announcing "One more hour until we arrive to China".
*Text Messages*
Edwin: Mari! We miss you already so much! I wanted to tell you that a girl with blonde hair in a ponytail came by the bakery today she wanted to speak with you.
Marinette:Alright thanks papa. I miss you and mama too.
*Text messages with Chloe*
Chloe: Hey mari I know that Lie-la was lying about you everyone else was to stupid to figure out. Never thought I would EVER say this but i'm sorry. Best friends?
Marinette: Hey Chlo, yea of course.
Chloe: Great!!! Why weren't you at home?
Marinette: I'm not in Paris at the moment, family issues. I got to go bye.
*Text messages end*
"Passengers please tighten your seatbelts the plane is about to land."
Everyone did as told.
So your parents sent us a car once we arrive to the airport. Luke said.
Okay great i'm just nervous what if they don't like me?? Marinette said.
Sis calm down how could they hate you? It's physically impossible everyone loves you.

The plane had finally landed. Marinette and her brother headed to their car.
Marinette was terrified, she kept thinking of all the senerios that could happen once she is face to face with her parents.
*Now arriving at the palace*
I know I know this chapter was short.
I'll update tomorrow stay tuned!☺️
613 words

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