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What's up gamers.
Guess what.
More depression
Yeet Yeet.


This time with Zak and Darryl!

Plz read and rate so I can feed my ego.

Oh ye:

Kali: bbh's roommate
(Not really but for the purpose of this story, pretend it is)

I read the news too much.
I play too much.
I breath too much.
Yet I only want one thing.

'I breathe too much' ~

- Marcy Trent

1st Person - Darryl

I did a live stream today again.
As much as I hate them I enjoy them.
I said on my chair again,



I laugh.
I kind of amuse myself with this mask that I wear everyday.
I shut myself off from the world in a shell of pain and hate.
Nobody thinks this shell can be broken.
In some ways I wish they did.
In other ways I'm happy they don't.
These two sentences usually bounce around at my head day after day after day.
After day...
After day.

I know my parents know that.

They know that inside I'm loving caring person, who shares the same sense of humour as so many people.

But no one else knows that.
And I'm thankful.

But at the same time,

I wish some did know.

Like Zak.
Yeah, Zak.
Zak Zak Zak Zak Zak.

Cute name.

I'm not in love with him no.

shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up

That would be gay.
You're not gay Darryl.


I left my window open.
And it rained.
Gosh dang it.
My bed is literally soaked, I'm 100% not sleeping on my bed tonight.
My chairs are fine.
Same with my monitor and desk.
Thank god.
If my pc broke.
Oh my god, I can't even think about it.
I think inside I would crumble into a pile of sadness.
It's fine.

Luckily Kali noticed before me.

f she didn't the storm totally would have destroyed my PC.
I think Kali noticed, because the next thing she said to me was:

"Darryl, are you ok?"

I guess I looked stressed. I'm usually good at hiding what I'm feeling.
Guess not now.

"Yeah, I'm fine, you?"

"What's wrong,"

"Thanks for saving my PC,"

"It's fine,"


"There's something else wrong,"


"You know you can tell me anything,"


"Ok, I'll let you figure it out,"

She turns to leave.


"Yeah," she turns back around to look at me.




"Ok," she smiles at me and leaves. I lay down sideways on my bed after sighing.


"Fuck this is still wet."



Ok now you've met the characters, I'll try to start posting more.


Why u guys so nicw.

If u lik steven universe or fnaf stuff go check out my cousin's stuff Vinniethepurplefox.

Kk thx ily bye.


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