Chapter 22 - Jealousy

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Catherine Ashton

"Which one do you like the best?" I asked Jacob.

"I like the chocolate one and the red velvet one." He said as he pointed the two cakes with the fork. I nodded and I looked at the cakes in front of me completely confuse which one to decide because everything is so good.

"How about you?" Jacob asked me.

"I like the chocolate and this one." I said as I pointed at the vanilla cake.

"We can mix the two if you want." I turned to Melinda who's in charge to help us with the cake tasting.

"Really? Well.. what do you think?" I turned to Jacob and he nodded.

"Please don't make it too sweet though.. The chocolate one is a little bit too sweet." I said and she wrote it down right away.

"Anything else, Ms. Ashton?"

"No. How about you babe?" I turned to Jacob.

"I'm good with everything that my fiance choose." Jacob smiled to me and I nodded. We finished the cake tasting and decided to go to the waterfront dining. Jacob booked a table already for us and I'm so excited.

"So.. what other wedding things that we need to do?" Jacob asked as he started the car.

"Invitations.. I will see the designs tomorrow. Do you want to join?" I asked and he turned to me shaking his head.

"I'n sorry, I have a meeting waiting for me. Will it be okay if you go alone?"

"It's okay." To be honest.. I want him to come. He drove away from the cake tasting place. He turned on the music and I looked out to the window thinking about a lot of things.

Tomorrow, I will be choosing the invitations design and then it will be send to all the guests by next week. The wedding is getting closer and more faster than I thought. Suddenly I felt a little fear.. I know I kept going back and forth about this decision but it's for my own good. It's for my own happiness and future.

"Catherine?" I turned to Jacob and I raised my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry.. can you repeat it again?" I asked and he laughed.

"What?" I was so confused with the situation.

"I didn't say anything, I'm just calling you because you're spacing out." He laughed and I smacked his arm.

"What are you trying to tell me?" I hissed and he was still laughing.

"Our marriage life will be so much fun."

"Oh yeah?"


"Why is that? So you can tease me everytime?" I said as I crossed my arms.

"That.. yes and I mean you're the only person who understands me." He said as he pointed his finger at me.

"Because I used to be your secretary?"

"Well you're the only person who doesn't understands me.."

"Because I used to be your boss?" He smirked confidently. Is he loving the fact that I don't understand him?

"Yes.. a bad one."

"I'm not bad, Catherine. I'm just being professional."

"Professional? You're just mean." I hissed coldly.

"Hey.. before I have you as my secretary, every girl was begging for my body and it's not a good thing. I thought you're one of them but you ended up normal."

"Excuse me?"

"You're normal, honey." He smiled at me and I rolled my eyes but ended up chuckling in the end.

"Are we here?" I asked as he entered a parking area.

"Yup, I bet you're going to love it." He said and I smiled nodding. I can see the water already and as soon as he stopped his car, I got out. I love the smell of the water, is it weird?

"Let's go." Jacob said as he locked the car. He took my hand and we walked towards the restaurant beside the water. I love the view so much that I could stay here for hours.

"Do you like it?" He asked and I nodded. We decided to sit on the outdoor side of the restaurant because I love to see the view so much. The waitress came with the menu and I turned to Jacob.

"I trust you to order the food for me." I said and he smirked. I turned my head to the water and got up from my seat. I walked towards the side of the water admiring the beautiful view.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I jumped to see a man standing on my right out of nowhere.

"Yes." I answered.

"I'm Joseph." He said as he put his hand in front of me.

"And I'm Jacob, her fiance. Nice to meet you." I turned to see Jacob shaking his hand with Joseph. Joseph immediately left the scene and I turned to Jacob.

"He's just.. trying talk to me and you're being a mean man again."

"He's trying to hit on you." Jacob said and I shook my head.

"Not every men who came to me want to hit on me, Jacob. Maybe he's trying to ask something.. you never know." I said and he shook his head.

"You are mine.. do you forget that?" He asked as he raised my left hand pointing at the ring. I chuckled and he gave me a peck on my lips.

"I know when a man is hunting his prey."

"Is that so?" I smiled and he circled his arms around my waist.

"Yeah.. and I think you should carry a board on your neck telling that you're not single.. or should I buy bigger ring?" He leaned closer to me.

"It's called jealous, Jacob." I said and I kissed his cheek.

"Maybe.. now let's go sit down and enjoy our evening." He said as he put his hand in front of me and I took it.

"You're jealous." I teased.

"You'll never know, beautiful."

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