Chapter 26 - Get Away

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Catherine Ashton

I think I have an ear problem out of the blue. Did I just hear Jacob right? He wants a heir? I was speechless after he said that and I felt like my brain freeze suddenly.

"A.. a- a heir?" I suttered as I looked at him disbelief and he nodded.

"A heir.. I want a heir and after that I'll leave you alone. You can go free roam around the world seducing any man you want." He said completely in a cool tone and I looked at him disbelief. Is this really the Jacob that I know? I never thought he will have this crazy idea. I mean he didn't even tell me about the plan for the marriage and now he's.. giving me this sick idea?

"Seduce any man? Do you think I'm a slut or something? And besides.. I won't give you a heir and why should I? You can easily pay a woman to sleep with you and boom.. she'll get pregnant in no time." I hissed completely wanting to slap his handsome evil face.

"Nah.. I want good genes, Catherine. I'm not picking random girls to carry my future heir. I want him or she to have good genes and.. I see you have it." He said as he caressed my arms. I pushed his hands away and he let out an evil laugh.

"Wow.. this is your true color huh?"

"Nah.. it's because you're playing with me and now.. the choice is yours, my lady."

"I'm not marrying you and I will not give you a heir." I said as I got up from his lap.

"Feel free to do that.." He said as he took out his phone from his pocket. He dialed someone and he put it on loud speaker. My eyes widen when I saw the called ID and he smirked widely.

"Hello, Mr. Denver. Do you need anything?"

"I want to fired Tommy, Wesley, Edna, Kezia and-" I rolled my eyes when he's trying to thread me by firing my close co-workers.

"Did you roll your eyes at me?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm firing them, Catherine." He said and I looked at me straight into his eyes.

"I'll recruit them right away here, I bet they will be more happy to see me and work with me." I smiled as I crossed my arms in front of my chest. He ended the call and he got up from his seat.

"Smart woman.. That's why I need your genes." He whispered to my ear as he put his hand on my stomach. I glared at him and he chuckled.

"Give me a heir.. and I'll leave you alone. We don't need to get married, Catherine." He said as our face just an inch away.

"I'm not giving you a heir, Jacob. You're sick.. and I can't believe that I'm seeing your true colors now." I said and he suddenly gave me a peck on my lips.

"Let's go to Toronto, honey. We have a wedding to prepare." He smirked and then he walked inside. I looked at him disbelief and I sat down to calm my ass down. He's insane and I can't believe that he's doing this to me.

I took out my phone from my pocket and sent a message to one of my close friends. I walked back inside and saw Jacob talking with my grandfather and my dad. I walked upstairs and to get my bag.

I walked downstairs and looked at the 3 men who were already looking at me waiting for me to tell them where I'm going.

"I have a nail appointment." I said and Jacob got up from his seat walking towards me. I made my way out to my car and Jacob slipped his arms around me from the back.

"Where are you going?" He asked as he gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Nail appointment.. are you deaf?" I hissed and he chuckled.

"I'll let you go if you give me a kiss." He said and I turned to him glaring.

"Let me go.. I'm already late." I said as I tried to wiggle out from his grip.

"I won't let you go until you give me what I want." He said and I turned my body fully to him. I cupped his face and kissed his lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close and deepen the kiss.

"That's enough." I said as I pushed his chest away.

"When will you be back? Let's go to Toronto together." He said as he pulled me closer again.

"In 2-3 hours.. I'm doing my hands and toes." I said flatly as I opened the car door and pushed him with my other hand.

"Okay then.." He said and I got into the car. I started the car and drove out from my house. I smirked big time knowing that I'm going to escape from that crazy man. I quickly drove my car towards the airport and parked my car. I ran into the airport and buy a ticket to Texas to see my friend.

I need to get away for awhile before I deal with Jacob because I need time to think. Everything is starting to get messy and I don't want to deal with it. I got into the plane and flew to Texas. My friend, Gina, from university picked me up at the airport.

"Hey!" I hugged her briefly and got into her car.

"Long time no see." She said as she closed her car door.

"I'm sorry for contacting you all of the sudden."

"Hey.. you can call me anytime and you know I'll be ready for you." She said and I chuckled.

"So what's wrong?" She asked.

"Just need to get away for awhile, I have a lot of things going on in my mind." I said honestly and she nodded.

"Well you can stay at my place as long as you want."

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