It's Alright

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Of course, I didn't go to sleep.

There was no point. I would just wake up from a nightmare and end up hurting someone. It happened about a week ago. I haven't slept since.
Bucky came back soon after he left. "Hey kiddo, you aren't sleeping?"
I shrug. "No point really, is there?"
He takes my hand and pulls me up from the bed. He leads me to the living room, where the rest of the Avengers are. They were watching some sort of movie, and I can hear very loud gunshots. I freeze. /Uncle Ben/
"No, no no no no no!" I scream as I'm tugged into a flashback.
I go to collect my money from winning the fight. "Here" I'm chucked $100 instead of $1000. I need that money. "Seriously?! I won!" He chuckles and shrugs. "I paid for three minutes, not one and a half. Now scram." I storm away to the elevator and press the button. I hear shouts and gunshots, then a man running away with a bag of money. He runs into the now opened elevator. "Thanks kid!" He yells as the door closes. I could have stopped that man then and there. Fuck me.
I'm thrown into the streets next. Uncle Ben's blood covering my hands. He looks dead into my eyes.
"R-Remember Pete, w-wi-with gre-great power comes great res-resp-responsibility." And his chest stops moving.
*End Of Flashback*
I run to the sink in a fit of panic, scrubbing my clean hands until they start to turn raw. I sob as my hands are pulled apart. I flinch and sink to the ground, shielding my head for the next blow. It doesn't come. Instead I am wrapped in strong, warm arms. Bucky.
"I-I'm so-rry"
He hugs me tighter before letting go. "It's alright. We all get them."
I shake my head. /He doesn't understand, not really./
"No you don't, not really." He looks really confused. I look at my raw and bleeding hands. "You don't get flashbacks of your uncle dying." Bucky took a step back at this. He holds my shoulders, and I'm forced to look at him.
"No, but we get flashbacks all the same. So maybe gunshots trigger them sometimes, that's alright. We can work through it." He gives me a small smile. I nod, and he brings me back to the Avengers, now with the TV on mute. I wave, and they say greetings back. We stay up playing two truths and one lie all night, until about 9pm. Mr Barton speaks up.
"Right. Last round. Peter starts, go."
I shrug. No big deal. Right? "Ok, so I want to go on patrol, my eyes are green, I haven't slept in two weeks." I wait anxiously for their input. Nat starts.
"Second one is a lie."
"Nuh-uh! Last one!" Mr Barton replies.
"I agree with Katniss, last one has to be wrong." I look up at them.
"Guys, m-my ey-eyes are b-bro-brown." I stutter. /What if they hurt me?/ I jump off the couch and start to back away as the yelling starts.
"That's not healthy!"
"What's wrong with you?"
"Aren't you tired?"
"Are you a coffee machine?!!"
"Are you feeling ok?!"
I keep backing away. What have I done? Eventually they stop, but I'm out the door and in my room by that point. By the time they notice, I have my suit on and I'm jumping out of the bathroom window. I swing around stopping to help people, until I run out of things to do. "KAREN scan for crimes near me." I wait for her sweet voice to answer.
"House fire in an apartment block two streets over. 6 people stuck."
I don't hesitate swinging over to help. Karen wasn't lying, the fire was raging, ripping through the apartments like nobody's business. I swing through a window, getting shards of glass stuck in my feet and legs. /oh well/ I scan the area, finding a family of four: A pregnant mum, a dad, a little girl and a baby, possibly also a girl. /Doesn't matter!/ I pick up the kids, my lungs already burning. "I'll be back, hold on" I walk through the fire, not caring about the burns spreading across my torso and legs. I reach a window. "You need to be brave for me, ok? You need to hold your sister while I lower you down." She nods and I give her the baby. I soon get them to the ground. I run over the debris, ready to help the other two down. Soon, they too are on the ground. Karen speaks up.
"Two webs remaining. Two civilians left. Structure is unstable Peter."
I ignore her. /I can save them./ I go to the top floor, where an elderly couple are laying on the ground with cloths around their mouths and waiting to die. My lungs are close to collapse, much like the building. I pick them both up, struggling to walk, but I make it to the window. I use my last webs on them. Turns out they were the kids from earlier's Gran and Granda. /Cute/ I tell Karen to scan for escape routes. "The stairs are an option, but I suggest doing it quickly. You have 10 seconds until total collapse." I dart to the stairs, and I'm half way down when everything just turns black.

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