La Nueva Chica

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The new girl is coming today, Her name is Diamond West. I gotta show her around the school today. I walk in with Marco as always.

"Why does she always pick me to show new kids around?" I ask him

"Because you're Jenner King! Everybody loves a Jenner King" he says sarcastically

I punch him in the arm for being so sarcastic this early in the morning. It's to early for that.

"Ow!! Ya Bitch"

"It's tooooo damn early to be sarcastic !" I tell him

"Ctfuuuu" he says "I'll be sarcastic this early if I wanna be"

"Whatever" I roll my eyes


"Oh really?" I look at him sideways

"Yeah pendeja" he says insulting my ass

"STFUU ya dumb dick" i tell him

"This why we bestfriends" he says laughing

"Forever & always boy" He gives me a hug as we continue walking down the hallway to my locker.

"You better go to the office before Ms.DeaMonte call yo ass over the loud speaker" he says reminding me of my previous experience with Ms.DeaMonte and the loud speaker.

"Yeah .. Yeah. I'm going now" I'm sluggish. I don't feel like going but I need to. I'm still questioning things from yesterday. She hasn't called me or texted me or even sent me a damn smoke signal. Bat sign. Nada. I wave Marco off and I'm walking to the office.

As I walk into the office Ms.DeaMonte is there waiting for me.

"Jenner !" She says " nice to have you show up early and get the directions from me this time"

Ughhh I hate her taunting, Ms.Deamonte is a fine framed women with a white complexion. She has a weird looking face and a pedofile-ish smile and she's ALWAYS wearing red lipstick. Her eyes are extra blue and her hair is pepperd Blonde and grey.

"Yeah .. Nice to see you too" I tell her plopping myself down on one of the chairs in the front.

"Okay Jenner .. The girl you are showing around today moved from Baltimore. Her name is Diamond West, she's in your grade and you guys have all the same classes and lunches. I want you to make her feel comfortable and welcomed to our school. Show her the hangouts and spots to go to for lunch. Introduce her to some of your friends. Just .. Make her feel good. You're good at that J" she says

"As I do always Ms.De" I smile warmly

"She should be here shortly" she says " smile when she walks in"

"Okay Ms.D" I tell her

20 minutes pass by of me talking to Ms.D about school, sports and her personal live. She's actually married (SHOCKERRR) and has 3 kids Jack, Hefner and Louis. Which are by far some dope ass names. She's cool and chill. She also loves hip hop music. I thought she would like that classical shit.

The door opens and it's the secretary Mrs.Lorenzo

"Ms.Deamonte you have a new student by the name of Diamond" she says

"Ah yes, bring her in" says ms.DeaMonte.

"SMILE" Ms.Deamonte whispers loudly to me.

I look up & this FONEEE ass lightskin girl walks in. Lawd Jesus. She was hella gorgeous. I couldn't open my mouth bruh. I was trying so hard to say my name & nothing came out. She's like medusa. A bitch was frozen.

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