Chapter 1 Part I

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Chloe's POV
Date after date, day after day... days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months....

We've been to every restaurant in Los Angeles and walked through hundreds of streets, watched so many sunsets and he still makes me happy.

And the way he takes care of Trixie is just heart melting. She really enjoys his presence and the fact he likes chocolate cake is of course very important.

Last weekend we went on a little trip to the amusement park, where we rid almost every roller coaster and ate way to much cotton candy. He got us ice cream afterwards and took us to a fancy restaurant. It definitely was one of the best days so far.
Even though we had so much fun there's always this strange feeling buried deep inside of my heart. I haven't figured it out yet, although I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard if I'd simply let myself go there.

But I'm afraid... afraid that I will realize something I don't want to face yet.

Well, anyways, he's waiting for me to return from bringing Trixie to school and I've been gone for almost an hour since we left the apartment and it normally takes 20 minutes to get to her school.

I'm sure he's already concerned if something has happened because I got 2 missed calls on my phone but I'm almost home so I can tell him in a few minutes that everything's fine. He's also always so patient with me, I turned him down a few times, so did he, but he never gave up on us as a real couple.

*13 hours later*

Ella's POV
It's been a long day, Chloe hasn't showed up for work, I guess she's still with her perfect boyfriend. They are so cute together and I totally ship them, but she's been skipping work pretty often lately...
No, it probably means nothing, she's just taking some time off and I think that's totally okay after all the stress at work.

Lucifer was here today to check if something interesting was happening and left 20 minutes ago to drive to Chloe.

After I cleaned my work space and put all the forensic stuff away, I grabbed my jacket and my bag. I wanted to leave as the phone rang.

It was almost 10pm, I wondered why somebody would call me this late, so I answered the phone saying "Ella Lopez, LAPD" "Hello miss Lopez, we tried reaching the Lieutenant, but nobody answered so we had to call the forensic apartment. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but something has happened. My colleges and I from the police were called by an upset woman, who's been walking down glory street as she saw a crashed car."

Glory street, that's right next to the street where Chloe lives, it hasn't something to do with her, has it?

I immediately asked the police man "What has happened? Whose car was it?"

"Miss Lopez, we found your contact in the victims phone, so I assume that you know him."
Him? No, no, no please..
"It's Lucifer Morningstar."

I gasped and tears started to fill my eyes. With a cracking voice I said "I- Is he dead?"

It hurt when those words left my mouth and if I'm being honest i didn't want to hear the answer.
"No, luckily he's not. But he has massive injuries all over his body and we will take him to the hospital as soon as possible. We would like to ask if you could inform his family and friends of the accident, because  we're not sure that he's going survive the day. They and you should have a chance to say goodbye and see him. Hopefully not for the last time. I am so sorry that we had to inform you like this and we pray with you that Mr Morningstar will survive and get better soon. Good bye Miss Lopez" "thank you Sir, good bye". I slowly put the phone down and started crying, how could this happen, why Lucifer?

He left 20 minutes ago, with a smile on his face because he was going to see Chloe. They had some issues lately and he finally wanted to tell her how he felt and that he loves her, how could he get involved in an accident like that?

I left my phone at Dans table, therefore I had to go there to call everyone. But what was I going to say?

'Hey, sorry but Lucifer may die'?

No that's crap. I couldn't think straight and order my thoughts.

Dan was still sitting at his desk, working on a case which caught all his attention lately. As I walked towards him, he turned away from his desk to look who was walking behind him.
The moment he saw my crying face he stood up and gave me a hug.

His strong arms were wrapped around me and I felt his warmth and became a little more comfortable. He gave me a kiss on the head and asked "Baby, what has happened?"
He sounded worried and I told him "it's Lucifer, I know you don't like him, but he had an accident with his car. He was just on his way over to Chloe as he crashed. Luckily a woman saw him and called the police. Nobody answered in this apartment so they called the forensics'.

The police man said that Lucifer might not survive the day and that I should inform everyone." I laid my head on his chest and sobbed.

He whispered "Ella, it doesn't matter how I think about him, I know what he means to everyone else and I can tell that you care a lot. That's why I will come with you, we will tell Amenadiel, Linda, and Chloe about his accident and then go to the hospital together. And I'm sure, after everything Lucifer has survived this is a piece of cake for him."

I smiled and looked up to Dan. I stopped crying, he swiped away my last tear and gave me a soft kiss.

I'm so glad that he's here for me. He helped me so much during the last year.
At first we thought it wouldn't be a great idea to get involved with each other, especially after what has happened with Charlotte, but he had to and did get over her.

After I also realized that, I thought I could give us a chance, and so did he. Since then we are a happy couple and he makes me happy in a very special way.

*5 hours earlier*

Chloe's POV
I'm totally overwhelmed.

He prepared the whole evening, after he surprised me with a dinner at the beach and told me that Trixie was going to sleep over at a friends' and that we could have the evening completely to ourselves.

We came back and after I went upstairs to take a shower, I returned to a floor covered with roses.

On my way down I quickly looked at the clock hanging on the wall which showed me that it was already 9:50pm.

I continued walking downstairs and felt like I was stuck in a dream but it was all real. Everything was really happening.

I looked him in his gorgeous eyes and started saying "Pierce..."

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