Chapter Two: Enter Death Robots

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     Clothes were neatly folded and tucked away in Lovette's pastel pink messenger bag. Two wolves--one black and one sandy colored--sat in front of her, both giving her the death-glare.

      "Alright!" Lovette smiled cheerfully, clapping her hands together again, "Tell me, what are you quirks?"

      The boy snarled and muttered, "I have telekinesis."

      "Oh, that's good! Can you pick up a target robot, or no?"

      He shook his head, tapping his paw impatiently on the ground. "I can barely pick up people."

      "That's still good though, we can work with that." Lovette tapped her chin and pointed towards the girl, "And you?"

      "I can duplicate myself," she whispered, staring at her tail.

      "Cool! Alright." Lovette nodded along. "We have..." she hummed a short thinking tune, "about seven minutes, I think!" She turned on her heels, making her skater skirt swish around her thighs. "Follow me," she shouted back, having already started running.

     There was a soft growl from the boy before he and the girl lunged into action.

     "Try using your quirks," she suggested in between breaths, her tennis shoes hitting the asphalt in long, light strides. There was a robot bumbling around somewhere close, betrayed by the sound of tracks grinding loudly on asphalt.

     The boy picked up some pebbles on the road and chucked them at her using his telekinesis, earning an amused but annoyed glare from Lovette. "Mine works," he said.

     "Mine too!" The girl piped in, a second black wolf now galloping along beside her.

     "Great!" Lovette grinned,  turning a sharp corner to the left. "You" --she pointed towards the girl-- "distract the robot. I'll see if I can't demobilize it."

     Both of the victims groaned warily, but followed obediently.

     Lovette ground to a halt, her ears swiveling to pick up the robot's sound. Her tail swished wildly and she licked her lips subconsciously. "It's..." she glanced around, scanning the buildings, "that way!" She pointed to her right and bolted off with a big smile and a twinkle in her eyes.

    A big, tank-like robot raised its mechanical eye to her. "Target acquired," it hummed as the girl dashed in front, capturing its attention.

     Lovette bolted towards  it, following the robot down the street as it narrowly avoided running over an escaping examinee. The tracks sped by, threatening to cause her a world of pain if she missed her jump. Gathering up courage in her soul and readying her legs, she clenched her teeth and pinned back her ears.

     She sprung off the ground, landing on the back of the robot with ease and grabbing anything she could fit her hands over. Tugging at anything and everything loose, she dug into the wires between the plating and yanked. Something fizzed, and she could feel the movement slow almost immediately.

     "Good work!" She jumped off, giving a thumbs up sign and happily wagging her tail. "Let's go find some more bots!"


     There were three minutes to go, and Lovette's reluctant team had managed to take down five more robots. Dodging robot debris, she navigated the course at top speed and tackling any robot that dared show its face.

     A metallic groan louder than any other she'd heard before rumbled just a few blocks away. Lovette stopped in her tracks, whipping her head around. A monumental metal hand-thing clutched the top of a building, just within her sight.

     Now that was a big robot.

     "This school doesn't mess around!" She shouted, bolting in the direction of the screams and sound of metal screeching against metal.

     "You're going towards that thing?" The boy shouted, his fur bristled and eyes wide.

     "Yeah, duh! It's like the mother of all robots!" Lovette didn't look back. "You guys can stay back if you want!"

     Both versions of the girl immediately stopped running and sat down, panting heavily. The boy, whose name she'd completely forgotten to ask, growled under his breath and ran off in the opposite direction.

     The robot moved its huge bulk down the street, crushing all that lay beneath it. Lovette sprinted along, gaining speed from behind. "My gosh, I hate running," she panted, urging her legs to take longer strides.

   A low whimper, one that reminded her of a puppy stuck in a dirty old pipe, caught her ears. With a painful burst of speed, she came into view of a near-unconscious boy lying in the middle of the road, directly in the path of the robot. It was water-boy.

   Raw instinct and adrenaline gripped her mind, causing her to thoughtlessly toss aside her messenger bag and kick off her shoes mid-stride.

    With no time to take off her clothes, wolf-Lovette tore across the street, barreling into the boy's limp body. With no thought to whether it would harm him, she sunk her teeth into his forearm and started tugging with her whole body weight.

   His face dragged along the asphalt, tearing up his skin. A low, pained groan escaped his lips, drowned out by the deafening trembling of the ground under the treads of the robot that bore down over them. Pebbles collided into her sides like little rockets, causing sharp, intense pains. The safe shadow of an alley way swallowed them, and Lovette let go of his arm.

     "Are you okay?" She nudged his cheek, which had blood trickling down it in small streams. "Hey, hey! Are you awake? Can you talk to me?" His light-blue hair smelled of men's shampoo, but the scent was tinted with the sharpness of blood.

     Without opening his eyes, he uttered another whimper. His arm twitched, and slowly moved up to stroke his torn-up skin before he clenched his teeth.

     "It's gonna be fine," she whispered. "It'll be over in a minute, and all those scrapes will be gone. I'm going to make sure you're okay."

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